This summer dramatic political changes and a series of terrorist acts ripped across Europe and Turkey. On June 23, Britain voted to leave the European Union. This single decision upended more than 40 years of membership to a post-World War II union, divided England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland and created unprecedented tension with Germany and other member states. On June 28, terrorist bombings killed over 40 and injured hundreds more at Istanbul’s airport. Then on July 14, 85 people were killed and over 300 injured when a cargo truck was deliberately driven into crowds in Nice, France. The next day an attempted coup against Turkey’s president left hundreds of soldiers and civilians dead or injured, with purges and turmoil continuing still today. In the meantime the US is going through an unusual election where one of the major candidates is advocating U.S. withdrawal from its global engagements.

United Kingdom flag an EU flag, is the UK really heading for the exit?

U.S. Preseidential Candidate, Donald Trump; Credit Matt A.J.Matt A.J.
Join us for a discussion on what is happening in Europe, Turkey and the Middle East, the aftermath of these political, social, and economic upheavals, and what it all means for the U.S. and our understanding of the world.
When: Monday, October 3, 2016, 07:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Where: Thomson Hall, Room 101
This event is sponsored by the Jackson School of International Studies at the University of Washington.
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