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Four projects receive funding from Mellon Foundation

April 24, 2013

As part of a three-year grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, four projects at the University of Washington have been chosen to receive up to $40,000 apiece to strengthen area and global studies. The grant is administered by the UW Jackson School of International Studies.

The funded projects for the first year of the grant are:

  1. Climate Change, Global Health, Vulnerability and Resilience: Towards an Area Studies of Risk
    Celia Lowe (JSIS, Anthropology), Matthew Sparke (JSIS, Geography)
  2. Engaging the World through Digital Transformations
    Sara Curran (Global Studies), Noam Pianko (Jewish Studies), Scott Macklin (MCDM)
  3. Multiple Democracies/Multiple Capitalisms
    Gary Hamilton (JSIS), Robert Pekkanen (JSIS); James Caporaso (PoliSci), Aseem Prakash (PoliSci); Edgar Kiser (Sociology), Steve Pfaff (Sociology)
  4. Building a UW Arctic Academic Program: a Joint College Initiative
    Nadine Fabbi (Canadian Studies), Vincent Gallucci (Cdn Studies, Aquatic & Fishery, Quantitative Science), Cecilia Bitz (Atmospheric Sciences),LuAnne Thompson (Oceanography, PCC)

The Mellon Foundation grant is intended to provide bridge funding to allow the UW to formulate new ideas concerning how area and global studies can be organized in the future. Projects for this first year will be carried out between Summer Quarter 2013 and Summer Quarter 2014.