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“Brazil’s Digital Bill of Rights” report by alumnus gains national media attention

May 1, 2017


Dan Arnaudo

Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff signs Marco Civil at the NetMundial conference in Brazil, 23 April 2014. Photo Credit: The Register

Brazil_Internet_report_imageOn April 20, the Jackson School’s International Policy Institute Cybersecurity Fellow and alumnus Dan Arnaudo (MAIS, 2014) released his report “Brazil, the Internet and the Digital Bill of Rights” at an event hosted by the Igarapé Institute in Rio de Janeiro.

The report, published by Igarapé with support from Open Society Foundations, reviews the implementation of the law known in Portuguese as the “Marco Civil da Internet” three years after its passage, alongside cybersecurity, data protection and other digital legislation.

“Brazil needs to have a new law for data protection. That’s a conversation they are having in Congress now, and there are two bills currently being discussed. This is a conversation about privacy that needs to be concluded in order to finish with this aspect of the Marco Civil,” said Arnaudo.

The Marco Civil report covers the effect of these proposed changes on major infrastructure initiatives, broadband and cellular access rates, and how Brazil’s system of Internet governance is affecting the global network and politics.

Since making the report public, Arnaudo has been featured on Brazil’s highest rated cable news network Globo News discussing the status of the law, in a Globo News talk show with State University of Rio de Janeiro International Relations Professor Mauricio Santoro and the head of the Institute of Technology and Society, Ronaldo Lemos.

Dr. Lemos, who initiated and managed the online, open source, democratic process that created the law, added that Mr. Arnaudo has helped promote the Marco Civil internationally while versions of it have been adopted in France and Italy.

“Now, we need to discuss the creation of online infrastructure for schools and for rural areas far from cities, as well as for the government itself, including police and agencies that help connect all Brazilian citizens,” noted Arnaudo.

Brazil’s national press agency also mentions the Marco Civil report on the anniversary of the law that was syndicated nationally, and quotes Arnaudo about initiatives that would “allow the expansion of retention of user data by applications and Internet service providers while allowing access to IP addresses (internet protocol, code used for data transmission between Machines) in criminal investigations without a court order.”

For more on the Marco Civil visit Mr. Arnaudo’s blog post on “Digital Rights at a Crossroads” at Jota.

The Cybersecurity Initiative is part of the Jackson School’s International Policy Institute (IPI) and focuses on the challenges inherent to developing international cybersecurity norms.

Click here to read the full report

This event and publication were made possible in part by a grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York. The statements made and views expressed are solely the responsibility of the author.