Protecting the Polar Seaways

July 24, 2017

Posted by: monick

Arctic shipping

When most people think about sailing, they dream about cruising on a sleek sailboat in warm, crystal-blue waters with the sun on their faces and not a care in the

Is the U.S. Ready for an Arctic Oil Spill?

July 10, 2017

Posted by: monick

Arctic Oil Spill

“It seemed truly like the ending of a world. Seabirds were dying by the thousands in the muck. Vast stocks of salmon and herring and halibut would perish next.” This description in National

Winter Quarter 2017 IPI Arctic Fellows!

January 3, 2017

Posted by: monick


In Winter Quarter 2017 the IPI Arctic Fellows are enrolled in a graduate course on the Arctic Council analyzing the unique role of the Council in international relations. At the