31 October – 1 November 2019
This two-day workshop assesses the new Bayesian perspectives on case selection elaborated by Fairfiled and Charman (2017), probing its value for qualitative research. In contrast to frequentist approaches that are ill-suited for qualitative research in diverse geographical areas, Bayesian perspectives offer qualitative researchers alternative guidelines that shift the focus away from representative sampling and toward the principle of maximizing expected information gain. The following activities of workshop are open to faculty, staff, and students.
Thursday, 31 October 2019
12:30-2:00 “Bayesian Guidelines for Case Selection: An Information-Theoretic Approach”
Tasha Fairfield, Associate Professor in Development Studies, LSE
Under the auspices of the QUAL Speaker Series (THO 317), chaired and moderated by Saadia Pekkanen
Background reading: Fairfield_Charman_Case_Selection_2019
Friday, 1 November 2019
12:20-2:00 “Exploring the Parameters of China’s Economic Influence”
Margaret M. Pearson, Horace E. and Wilma V. Harrison Distinguished
Professor & Interim Chair, Department of Government & Politics, University of Maryland
Under the auspices of the China Studies Program (THO 317), chaired and moderated by David Bachman