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Niko Switek | European Policy Responses to Covid-19

March 8, 2021

Dr. Niko Switek presents his lecture “European Policy Responses to Covid-19” on Aug. 18, 2020.

This talk is part 1 of 4 lectures from the 2020 virtual EU Policy Forum for Educators “Europe in the Age of COVID-19: Public Health, Social Solidarity, and the Role of Government in a New International Environment.” The EU Policy Forum for Educators is an annual workshop on contemporary European and transatlantic issues for K-14 educators organized by the Center for European Studies and the European Union Center, a Jean Monnet Center of Excellence at the University of Washington. The EU Policy Forum is generously funded by the Erasmus+ Program.

Niko Switek is DAAD Visiting Assistant Professor for German Studies at the Henry M. Jackson School for International Studies and the Department of Political Science at the University of Washington. His research interests focus on political parties and party systems as well as on coalition politics. He wrote extensively about the German green party ‘Bündnis 90/Die Grünen’ and the green party family in Western Europe. In addition he worked on parties on European level (‘Europarties’) and just recently compiled a volume on fictional TV series about politics.