EU Governance & Policy Challenges

Online Training on the European Union

Welcome to the European Union Governance & Policy Challenges Online Training, sponsored by the Jean Monnet EU Center and the Center for European Studies at the University of Washington, and co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union.

Whether you are someone looking for more information about the European Union or a student brushing up on your knowledge in preparation of Model EU, you’ve come to the right place! In this training, you will find an engaging and thorough overview of the European Union and current challenges it faces. Professor Dean LaRue starts at the beginning with big-picture questions such as “How can we define ‘Europe?'” before diving into the unique, complex, and ever-evolving European experiment known as the EU.

Find the syllabus and suggested activities below:

Syllabus & Activities

Part 1: Introduction to the EU

Part 1 offers an overview of the themes of the training, as well as a deep background dive into the roots of the European Union and the underlying question of “What is Europe?,” following along from the Roman Empire to the Treaty of Rome and the founding of the institutions that would become the European Union. Particular attention is paid to the questions of the development of larger and smaller states in Europe, and the consequences of the Second World War in creating the modern political and economic landscape of Europe.

Part 2: EU Foundations

Part 2 continues with the topics from Part 1, including an overview of the themes of this training, as well as a deep background dive into the roots of the European Union and the underlying question of “What is Europe?,” following along from the Roman Empire to the Treaty of Rome and the founding of the institutions that would become the European Union. Particular attention is paid to the questions of the development of larger and smaller states in Europe, and the consequences of the Second World War in creating the modern political and economic landscape of Europe.

Part 3: EU Institutions

The European Union works with and through a unique array of institutions, providing both a democratic foundation and a powerful set of working entities to define policy, manage projects across the full range of competencies, provide oversight, and rule on areas of dispute.

Part 4: The EU and Defense

This module discusses European defense and security, with an emphasis on the challenges facing the EU in creating a defense identity given NATO’s strength in this area, and the overlapping but not identical memberships and priorities of the two organizations. Russia, Turkey, Syria, Libya, Ukraine and other topics are included.

Part 5: EU Membership

The rights and obligations of becoming an EU member state and working successfully within the EU and Single Market are discussed. The challenges on both sides of the English Channel after the UK’s official exit, and remaining issues to be resolved, are a focus area, along with current and potential future candidates for membership, including Turkey and the Western Balkan region.

Part 6: EU Migration

The transition from a historic area of emigration to a migration/immigration destination has been challenging for Europe over the last 50 years. We look at historic migration patterns, post-WW2 changes and developments, and continue into the 2015 migration crisis and ongoing regional challenges that remain.

Part 7: Agriculture of the EU

The Common Agricultural Program today represents about 30% of the EU’s budget, down from over 60% in the 1980’s. Agricultural and rural development programs remain the EU’s single largest area of expenditure. A look at the underlying economics and challenges of agriculture, food security, market management, and global impacts of agricultural support programs is the centerpiece of this module.

Part 8: The EU and Environment

The EU is a global leader in developing and promoting meaningful environmental programs, from local noise pollution to global CO2 levels. This module focuses on the EU as a regulator, and how it works to move this critical topic forward across a diverse range of competencies, from clean air and water to renewable energy and green industry.