Destination Europe: Research Opportunities in Europe

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See below for uploaded PDFs of select presentations.

Destination Europe: Research and Innovation Opportunities in Europe


February 13, 2020

HUB Lyceum (Room 160)

9:30 am – 4:30 pm (see program below for details)

University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Destination Europe is an event showcasing the vibrant and exciting research and innovation culture in Europe and the opportunities available to researchers from anywhere in the world who are interested in working in Europe. A joint initiative of the European Union and its Member States, Destination Europe 2020 will take place at the University of Washington on the eve of the 2020 annual conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in Seattle.

Destination Europe features presentations by funding and grant experts with information on opportunities for all areas of research, including the hard sciences, engineering, humanities, social sciences, government, business, etc.

The opportunities to be presented at Destination Europe are open to all nationalities, not just Europeans. The EU welcomes talents and skills from all over the world.


Attendees at Destination Europe will find:

  • Experts from European research organizations, funding agencies and European Commission services presenting programs, initiatives, and opportunities to develop one’s research career in Europe including
    • European Research Council (ERC)
    • Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
    • Euraxess
    • Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission
  • Researchers who have had the experience of moving to Europe temporarily or permanently sharing their experience.
  • Information about the practicalities of moving to Europe (scientific visa, mobility centers, etc.).
  • Diplomats, funding and grant experts with information on research opportunities in Austria, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Switzerland and more.
  • An exhibition space with stands providing additional information.
  • Hosted light breakfast, lunch, and cocktail reception for networking.


Keynote Speaker: Jean-Eric Paquet, Director General of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Research and Innovation, which oversees a 77 billion euro research program.

“The future of European research must be inclusive” says Jean-Eric Paquet in a recent interview with Horizon, the EU Research and Innovation Magazine.

Learn more about the scope of EU and US cooperation and the role of the EU in science in a podcast with Director General Jean-Eric Paquet. This podcast was recorded at the 2019 annual meetings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington, DC.

Watch a video interview with Jean-Eric Paquet, where he discusses the EU’s role in science in English, French and German.



Select Presentation Slides


Click below to view the event program.


Destination Europe is made possible by contributions from the European Union Delegation to the U.S., the European Research Council, the European Commission and the University of Washington.