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December 2017 | Featured Student – Oleksandra Makushenko

December 1, 2017

Oleksandra Makushenko is a senior pursuing a double major in international studies and communications. In her free time she enjoys traveling, volunteering, yoga, and eating Dim Sum for breakfast. Oleksandra was born and raised in Ukraine and since being at UW has worked with Associate Professor Scott Radnitz on research focused on conspiracies in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. “After the Euromaidan Revolution in 2014 people began to realize Ukraine’s special place in Europe”, Oleksandra explains. “Since then I am on a quest to learn how Europe functions, what issues it faces, and how they can be resolved. I strive to discover its best practices and figure out how they can be applied in Ukraine.” In 2014, Oleksandra worked for OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission in Ukraine and gained valuable work experience that lead her towards an international studies degree.

In her studies Oleksandra has taken courses on NATO, European ethnic politics, and the migration crisis. She has also studied abroad in Rome, and is currently taking International Negotiations Simulation which focuses heavily on EU decision and policy making. Upon completion of her studies, Oleksandra wants to return to Ukraine and pursue opportunities in IGOs or NGOs. “I hope to apply the knowledge from my UW degree to facilitate practical changes around me.”