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December 2016 | Featured Student Profile- Maya Shafer

December 1, 2016

Maya Shafer is a freshmen at University of Washington with a passion for Europe and the world. Originally from Bothell Washington, Maya enjoys singing, theater, rock climbing and “all things Shakespeare”. Maya came to UW hoping to major in either European Studies or International Studies, while pursuing a minor in French. “I chose to pursue a degree in current studies because I believe that the world today needs people who take into perspective every group in the world”. In addition to her studies, Maya also hopes to study abroad in France while at the UW. Maya’s passion for Europe and for world affairs began at a young age, and has shaped her career and education goals.

“When I was 5, my parents showed me a scene from the movie Moulin Rouge. I immediately fell in love with Paris, and by extension Europe”. Her love for Paris inspired Maya to begin studying the French language in 10th grade. After nearly four years of studying she is nearing fluency. “French”, she explains, “led me to European history, which lead me to international history”. Another experience that reinforced her interest in world affairs was a volunteer trip to Thailand that Maya participated in when she was 15. “Seeing the difference I could make in people’s lives by simply talking to them made my career path set in stone”, Maya recounts.

Upon completion of her studies, Maya plans to work for the Peace Corps for several years to gain experience in international relations. Her ultimate goals are to work for either the Department of State or the United Nations. “I know that wherever I end up, so long as I am able to interact with people from different cultures on a daily basis, and see the differences I am making in the world, I will be happy.”