CIDEU Reports and Studies

Reports and Studies on Civil Society, Inclusion, and Diversity in the EU

Find below reports and studies by European Union Institutions on civil society, inclusion, and diversity in the EU, and click on any title to view more. Return to the Jean Monnet Chair CIDEU main page here.

Gender Equality

Find below reports and studies on gender equality in European government, civil society, finance, and more, compiled by European institutions and organizations. Click on any feature title to learn more.

Gender-based Violence in the EU

Find below reports and studies on violence against women compiled by European institutions and organizations. Click on any feature title to learn more.


Find below reports and studies on LGBTQIA rights, equality, and structures, compiled by European institutions and organizations. Click on any feature title to learn more.

Minority Protection

Find below reports and studies on minority groups, including migrants, as compiled by European institutions and organizations. Click on any feature title to learn more.

EU-Level Parties

Find below reports and studies on EU-level parties, as compiled by European institutions and organizations. Click on any feature title to learn more.

EU Level Civil Society Networks

Find below reports and studies on civil society networks in the EU as compiled by European institutions and organizations. Click on any feature title to learn more.