Comments from alumni

Catching Your Students with Pokemon: Japanese Popular Culture in the Classroom using NCTA Curriculum

Program Start Date: Nov 25 2019

Location: Missoula, MT

Comments from Participants “One of the strongest points of the program was how we were engaged with online resources, lesson plans, authentic images, great resources and how they connected us back to the classroom.” — anonymous participant “It was nice to learn a little bit about Japan along the way! I really appreciate the context

The Japanese Garden

Program Start Date: Oct 19 2019

Location: Seattle, WA

Comments from Alumni “The presentation were very informative and matched by very thoughtful responses by participants. I have so much materials to pass on to my art teachers colleagues – you have provided so many excellent resources!” — anonymous participant “Pat is a delightful, intelligent, relaxed, kind and flexible presenter. She allowed for contributions and

Tradition, Exchange, and Innovation in Art: An Introduction to East Asian Visual Culture and Beyond

Program Start Date: Jul 15 2019

Location: Seattle, WA

“This has been an amazing experience for me. I am so inspired and I feel mentally full but not overfull. Our instructor has been an outstanding example as a teacher and as a person. I have so much to take away and on so many levels. This has been my happy place.”

“Thank you for organizing and being so accountable/on top of things. No seminar/conference/PD has made me feel more at ease – the emails, resources online, binder, coverage of parking/travel reimbursement reflect the care and pride you have in this program. Thank you!”

“The most effective aspect of the seminar was Melanie! I love learning from her. She is so knowledgeable and she models excellent teaching practices. She is also great at moderating discussions and allowing us to work towards our conclusions.”

East Asia in the Classroom, 2018 Freeman Awards Winners

Program Start Date: Apr 20 2019

Location: Seattle, WA

“The visit of the translator Takami Nieda changed my perception of both the process of translation and the result. I now want to use several of the Freeman Awards book in my classes right away – 4th, 5th grades and high school classes.”

“The strongest point of the program were all the outstanding books! I love perusing them, discussing them with other educators, and getting some for free!”

“The skills of the instructors and organizers were above and beyond my expectations. I always get high quality workshops from EARC. The content and materials were amazing. I plan to implement content from this program by increasing my knowledge of Japan and East Asia countries’ relationship with Japan and I will suggest books for my students and library.”

Diversity and Connections: Teaching a Global Perspective on Japan and Montana

Program Start Date: Mar 5 2019

Location: Missoula, MT

“I learned a lot about Japan in the workshop. Thank you. The program kept me engaged. I especially liked the information and anecdotes about haiku poetry. Two books were offered – the books provided me with a ready resource for teaching about Japan with my students as well as an extensive bibliography in each book for additional sources on Japan.”

Edo Japan: 1600 to 1688

Program Start Date: Jan 28 2019

Location: Boise, ID

“I will use knowledge and primary sources in my discussion of Tokugawa Japan in my AP World History classes.”

“I will be adding the books to my student reading list and using content from the lectures to improve my content information.”

“This directly relates to my AP World History course, so comparing and contrasting different time periods in Japanese History is very important.”

“The strongest point is the expertise in the subject matter provided by Dr. Woods. After completing several of these seminars over the past few years, he continues to amaze me with the depth and breadth of his knowledge.”

“I learned much about the way Japan operated during the Tokugawa Age. My students have a lot of questions about this so I feel better answering those queries with this foundation under my feet. These seminars are so helpful and I’m grateful for the NCTA, the EARC, the Freeman Foundations, etc. My students get a better education about Asia thanks to all the resources with which I am provided by these entities.”

The Silk Roads – Yesterday and Today

Program Start Date: Jan 23 2019

Location: Various

“One of the most effective aspects of the seminar was the great discussion on the Silk Road – I enjoy being a student again and learning new information and points of view!”

“Tese always brings such a depth of knowledge!”

China 101 Teacher Workshop

Program Start Date: Nov 15 2018

Location: Issaquah, WA

“This program helped me to learn more about my Chinese students, and it will help me connect with them on a personal basis. I now know how to pronounce one of my students’ Chinese last name and what it means!”

Chinese Boys in America Book Discussion

Program Start Date: Nov 6 2017

Location: Seattle, WA

“I’ll promote this book to baseball lovers, historical fiction readers and baseball lovers who claim they don’t like historical fiction! I also might use it in discussions about immigration.”

“It was great to have the author there and  learning about the background information and research that went into the writing of the book.”