The UW Jackson School of International Studies will hold their Spring 2021 Lecture Series Online over four sessions between April 1st and May 13th, 2020. The EAC is proudly supporting the series, in particular the first two lectures on April 1st and 13th:
Featuring Mingwei Huang, Assistant Professor, Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, Faculty Fellow, Dartmouth Consortium of Studies in Race, Migration, and Sexuality, Dartmouth College and moderated by Daniel Hoffman, Chair of the African Studies Program
This event is additional co-sponsored by African Studies, China Studies and the East Asia Center at the University of Washington.
Thursday, April 15 | Facing the New Geopolitics: China at the Poles – 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. PT
Featuring Anne-Marie Brady, Professor, China Studies, University of Canterbury, New Zealand and moderated by Leela Fernandes, Jackson School Director and Stanley D. Golub Chair
This talk explores international relations between China and the Arctic.
This event is additionally co-sponsored by the Canadian Studies Center/Arctic and International Relations, China Studies and the East Asia Center at the University of Washington.
To read more about the entire lecture series and register, visit the JSIS event page.