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QUAL Program Event on March 10th | China’s UN Thinking and Behavior

February 18, 2021

China’s UN Thinking and Behavior: Uncovering Decision-Making Procedures Inside Opaque Governments

Wednesday, March 10, 2021 | 12:30 p.m. (PST) | Virtually on Zoom – Register Below

Rosemary Foot will introduce the main findings and methods from her recent book, China, the UN and Human Protection: Beliefs, Power, Image (Oxford University Press, 2020). She will explain how she arrived at her central research questions, and why she adopted an interpretive, social approach in order to address these questions. She will also outline the specific methods that she deployed in light of the obstacles that arise in the study of decision-making in opaque settings.

Speaker: Rosemary Foot, Emeritus Fellow, St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford

Moderator: Saadia M. Pekkanen, Founding Director of the QUAL Program and Professor, Henry M. Jackson School of  International Studies, University of Washington, Seattle

Rosemary Foot was elected to an Emeritus Fellowship of St Antony’s College in October 2014. She is a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Oxford’s Department of Politics and International Relations and a Research Associate at the Oxford China Centre. In 1996, she was elected a Fellow of the British Academy.

Previously Professor of International Relations and the Sir John Swire Senior Research Fellow in the International Relations of East Asia at St Antony’s College, she has been a Fellow of the College since 1990. During that time, she held the posts of Director of the Asian Studies Centre (1994- 1997), Senior Tutor (2003-2005), and Acting Warden (January-October 2012). Rosemary Foot has also held several visiting appointments over the course of her academic career in Australia, China, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, and the United States.

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