Arctic and International Relations Series
Arctic and International Relations Blog Series
The Arctic and International Relations Blog Series includes blog postings from Arctic Fellows relating to a specific and critical topic in Arctic policy studies. Each series includes an introductory post from the faculty, researcher or Fellow who served as editor of the series followed by blog postings from Junior and Undergraduate Arctic Fellows. In 2018-19 the series was expanded to include undergraduate students enrolled in Arctic minor courses offered by the Jackson School and School of Oceanography. The goal of the International Policy Institute is to provide a value-added component to the courses via a training in policy and opportunity for students to submit a policy-relevant essay to IPI at the end of the quarter and based on the research conducted for their course paper. Via this engagement, IPI will contribute to a new generation of undergraduate students more able to bridge the gap between academia and the policy world. Click on the first icon for a blog series for the introduction to that series.
IPI Arctic Fellows travel to Dartmouth and Busan
Training in Arctic studies with experts from around the world
The Arctic Council: A unique institution in 21st century international relations
Arctic in Context - World Policy Institute
Arctic Foreign Policy Field Experience
International Policy Institute Fellows in the field