Erin McAuliffe

IPI Cybersecurity Fellow


Erin McAuliffe graduated with an M.A. from the Jackson School’s Southeast Asia program. Erin is particularly interested in the current and potential problems surrounding identity, land, and infrastructure during Myanmar’s ongoing political reform process. Erin was also the Senior Researcher on the Tableau Foundation and Enlightened Myanmar Research (EMR) Applied Research Project. Erin’s M.A. thesis research focused on understanding overlapping ethnic entitlement in Myanmar through tracing the historical foundations of ethnic classification in colonial census reports. Prior to starting at UW, Erin taught and worked in northern Thailand on a Fulbright Grant, worked with World Education Thailand, worked for the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma), and worked for the Committee for Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid in the German Parliament. She was a 2015-2017 Southeast Asia Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) fellow in Burmese.

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