Elena S. Bell

Ph.D. Candidate (2016 Cohort), IPI Fellow, FLAS Fellow
Elena S. Bell

Dissertation Project

Indigenous documentaries: self–representation in the Circumpolar Region – a global crossroad of economic interests, political tensions, and international cooperation.

Professional Background

Public Diplomacy, Simultaneous Interpreting, Translating, Education, Film/Theater Arts


Inuktitut (studying), Russian, Uzbek



Elena S. Bell is interested in the mechanisms of Indigenous self–representation in the process of building international connections between the Arctic region and communities below the 66th parallel. This native of Uzbekistan and graduate of Tashkent Theater Arts Institute earned her Masters Degrees from Humboldt State University, where she taught Russian and focused her research on “Russians as ‘Other’ in American Film and Television”, and from Monterey Institute of International Studies, where she also conducted research at the Center for Non–Proliferation Studies.  As an interpreter, Elena has the opportunity to observe people–to–people international relations in the making through the U.S. Department of State public diplomacy programs. Working with the representatives of the vast territory, which spans from Central Asia to the most northern nations, sparked Elena’s interest in the Indigenous issues.


  • Bell, Elena S. (2020), “SShA: istoriya Vtoroi mirovoi voiny pishetsia v nastoyashchem [USA: The History of the World War Two is Written in the Present). In Bordugov, Gennady (Ed.) Pobeda-75: rekonstruktsia iubileia [Victory-75: Reconstruction of the Anniversary] (pp. 596-621). Moscow, АИРО-XXI (In Russian).
  • Bell, Elena S., “When Kegelbahn Becomes Bowling”, NOTIS. The North West Linguist, Vol.32(1), 2019. pp 10–11
  • Bell, Elena S., “Amplifying Arctic Issues ‘Downstream of the 66th Parallel”, July 26, 2017 (9:02am), Arctic in Context (Blog), World Policy Institute.
  • Bell, Elena S. (2017, Spring). Nunarjuarmiunguqatigiit: People-to-People Diplomacy as It Pertains to the Arctic. Arctic and International Relations Series (5): pp. 95-98
  • BELL, Elena S., “Revoliutsia ‘blizhe k domu’: kak vidiat stoletie i kak razmyshliaiut o niom v SShA?” [Revolution ‘closer to home’: How does the USA View and Reflect on the 100-th Anniversary?] (2017). In BORDUGOV, Gennady (Ed.), Revoliutsia-100: rekonstruktsia iubilea [Revolution–100: Reconstruction of the Anniversary] (pp. 746-779). Moscow, АИРО-XXI. (In Russian)
  • Bell, Elena S. “Inuktitut 101 with Elena Bell”, Canadian Studies Center, September 2, 2016.
  • Sally Lee Steward, Elena S. Bell, Maksuda Jorayeva–Yuksel. Translations of Poems by Dilshod, Two Lines. A Journal of Translation. Center for Arts in Translation, 2003.
  • Sally Lee Steward, Elena S. Bell, Maksuda Jorayeva–Yuksel. Translations of Poems by Zebunisso, Dilshod, and Anbar Atyn, Atlanta Review. Asia. Spring/Summer 2002.

Grants & Fellowships

  • Graduate School Chester Fritz International Research and Study Fellowship (2020–2021)
  • American Councils Academic Fellowships in Russia (AFR) (2020-2021)
  • International Policy Institute Fellowship (Arctic).  JSIS, University of Washington. (Fall ‘16, Winter ‘17, Spring ‘20).
  • Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship (six times recipient) Inuktitut/Arctic Studies.  JSIS, University of Washington.
  • Research Assistantship James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies.
  • Merit Graduate Fellowship, Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey.

Dissertation Committee

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