Sabine Lang

Sabine Lang

Prof. Lang is not accepting new MA or PhD students for the 2025-2026 academic year Sabine Lang is Professor of International and European Studies at the Henry M. Jackson School...
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Jackson School News: Sabine Lang

What in the world will Trump do?

December 14, 2016

Posted by: odedo

Over 300 students, faculty and community members packed into Room 210 at Kane Hall on November 28 to hear a panel of Jackson School professors talk about the implications of a Trump

Nov. 28 public event: “Trump and the World”

November 16, 2016

Posted by: odedo

During his campaign, President-Elect Donald Trump made trenchant remarks regarding U.S. allies, the NATO pact, relations with Russia and China and his views on U.S. immigration policies. Join Jackson School faculty