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Space Security Initiative Begins Publications of SSI Policy Briefs by Junior Fellows

April 6, 2016

Feature Series

Space Security Initiative Brief

International studies perspectives on space policy of major powers

The Space Security Initiative (SSI) Junior Fellows began publishing their policy briefs through IPI at the Jackson School. The first SSI Brief, Made in China 2.0: State-led Commercialization of China’s Space Industry was written by Muyang Chen, China Specialist and SSI Principal Junior Fellow.

In October 2015, the SSI Director, Saadia Pekkanen, recruited seven area specialists from the Ph.D. Program at the Jackson School as Junior Fellows. The SSI Junior Fellows used their regional expertise to gauge the space policy trajectories of present and rising major powers around the world, namely China, India, Russia, Japan, South Korea, Israel, the European Union, and the United States.

Throughout 2015-2016, the SSI team carried out activities to bridge the gap between academics and practitioners, mainly through training exercises, policy writing, briefing sessions, and networking opportunities. Under the editorial guidance of the SSI Principal Senior Fellow, Dr. Kristian Ulrichsen, with extensive experience in think tanks and policy writing, the Junior Fellows went through successive rounds of tailored advice on dissemination and briefing strategies.

The schedule for the series of SSI Briefs is as follows (tentative titles):

Muyang Chen (China): Made in China 2.0: State-led Commercialization of China’s Space Industry

Deep Pal (India): Addressing India’s Strategic Needs Through a National Space Law

Clint Work (USA): Entrepreneurial Spin-On in the Pentagon’s Space

Oded Oron (Israel): Can Israel Go Civil?

Joshua Williams (Japan): On Japan and Small Satellites Policy

Clint Work and Seonhee Kim (South Korea): South Korea’s space diplomacy

Seonhee Kim (Russia): New challenges to Russia’s space industry

Indra Ekmanis (EU): A Universal Good? Norm-driven priorities in European Space Policy

This publication was made possible in part by a grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York. The statements made and views expressed are solely the responsibility of the author.