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IPI Arctic Fellow co-author on article on non-state diplomacy and the Arctic Council

June 10, 2019

Brandon Ray, former International Policy Institute Arctic Fellow (2016-18) is an author on a just-published paper in the American Review of Canadian Studies. The Model Arctic Council: Simulated negotiations as pedagogy and embodied diplomacy, demonstrates how the Model Arctic Council both produces and constitutes diplomacy. Authors L. Saron, V. Muzik, B. Ray, G. Gambrell, L. Yona and R. Comeau argue that the Model Arctic Council challenges students to think about the influence of the Permanent Participants (Indigenous organizations on the Arctic Council) and other non-state actors effectively bringing to light the “false binaries between state diplomacy and non-state diplomacy” (p. 105).

Brandon’s thesis, Framing Arctic renewable energy: A multi-stakeholder analysis (June 2018), examined how various actors frame the shift from oil/gas-based energy to renewable energy for the Arctic regions of the United States and Canada. Nives Dolšak was his supervisor; Tom Leschine and Nadine Fabbi served on his committee.

Brandon is currently on active duty with the U.S. Navy.

Brandon Ray served as an Arctic Fellow for the International Policy Institute from 2015-18.