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Election Event on Nov. 1: Trump, Putin, and Russia: What’s That All About?

October 28, 2016

Republican nominee in 2016 for U.S. President, Donald Trump

The Ellison Center for Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies invites you to a special pre-election talk on the Trump-Putin relationship.

Donald Trump has gone against the Republican Party line in praising Russian President Vladimir Putin, promoting good relations with Russia, and criticizing NATO. Putin has spoken highly of Trump while Russia was being accused of hacking emails that were later leaked with the intention of supporting Trump’s presidential campaign.

Join former L.A. Times Moscow Bureau Chief Carol J. Williams one week before election day as she sorts through competing claims and gets to the bottom of the intrigue involving Trump, Putin, and Russia.

The talk will be Moderated by Ellison Center Director Scott Radnitz.

When: Tuesday, November 1 6:30-08:30 PM

Where: Thomson Hall (THO) room 101 

Carol J. Williams is former senior international affairs writer for the Los Angeles Times. A foreign correspondent for 25 years, she has won five Overseas Press Club awards, two Sigma Delta Chi citations and was a 1993 finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in international reporting. She has served as Times bureau chief in Moscow, Budapest, Vienna, Berlin and the Caribbean. Williams speaks Russian, German, French and Spanish, and has reported from more than 80 countries. She left The Times in 2015.

Carol J. Williams



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