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Atlas.TI – Basics Workshop

October 20, 2020

QUAL QDA Workshops are free, one-day, hands-on tutorials that instruct students in the use of ATLAS.ti. Workshops are open to all UW students interested in deepening their qualitative multi-method data analysis skills.

Workshop details

*All ATLAS.ti workshops will be held online and consist of two, two-hour sessions separated by a one hour break.

Date: November 13, 2020
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. PDT
Register Here

Registering for the workshop

The workshop is limited to 20 people, and registration is required, so please sign up for the Atlas.ti workshop as soon as possible. We also maintain a wait list and it is important to contact if there is a need to cancel your registration so that we can offer your spot to someone on the wait list. QUAL prioritizes registrants in the following order: UW Law students, QUAL concentration students, all other students, faculty, staff.

Preparing for the ATLAST.ti workshop

The workshop will run with both Windows and Mac, and those attending should come with their own laptops with Atlas.ti installed.