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April 7 – “Turkey: From Islamic Democracy to Authoritarian Nationalism”

March 31, 2016

Join us for a special talk by Professor ÇAĞLAR KEYDER on Turkey’s political future – from Islamic democracy to authoritarian nationalism.

When: Thursday, April 7, 2016, 3:30 to 5:00 p.m

Where: Walker Ames Room, KANE HALL University of Washington


About the speaker 

ÇAĞLAR KEYDER is Professor of Sociology at Binghamton University and at Koç University in Istanbul. He is also the Centenniel Professsor at the London School of Economics.

Keyder has published numerous books and articles on Turkey, including most recently “The End of Agriculture As We Know It,” and was a founding editor of the Cambridge University Press journal “New Perspectives on Turkey.” He has served on several editorial boards, including the International Journal of Middle East Studies and Contemporary Sociology. He is a member of the Science Academy in Turkey.

This event is sponsored by the Jackson School of International Studies and The Middle East Center, University of Washington. The Middle East Center’s sponsorship of an event does not imply that the Center endorses the content of the event.

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