Dr. Anna Lee Swan received her PhD in Communication from the University of Washington in 2021. In addition to supporting the task force, she previously worked in a research position at the Center for Evaluation and Research for STEM Equity. Still working at the UW, she now holds a dual appointment as a postdoctoral scholar at the Center for an Informed Public and the Tech Policy Lab. Her research broadly addresses the intersection of gender and social media content creation, and she is currently working on several projects related to misinformation and health/wellness.
February 15, 2023
Thomson Hall, Room 317
In this talk, Dr. Swan will discuss her involvement in the University of Washington’s Technology & Society Task Force and how her training as qualitative researcher has translated to applied work in higher education. In 2021, President Cauce and Provost Richards assembled an interdisciplinary team of faculty to not only assess the state of “technology and society” research, teaching, and outreach at UW, but also to report back formal recommendations that would secure the University’s position as a standout leader in this area. To get to the point of a formal report, Dr. Swan co-led a process of archival research, data collection, faculty interviews and focus groups, analysis, and supported faculty in consolidating findings into tangible recommendations. This interactive presentation will give attendees a behind-the-scenes understanding of academic programming and will provide detailed insight into the process of translating qualitative skills into practice.
About the series
Join the UW-QUAL program for quarterly From Data to Decision-Making events, a speaker series that follows the qualitative research process from data collection to data analysis to policy-relevant impacts of research findings across a variety of fields.
Learning from skilled practitioners, attendees gain transferrable tools that enable them to translate qualitative data into practical outcomes, including policy memos, program recommendations, and other public-facing materials.