African Studies Courses Fall 2016
August 31, 2016
Africa Courses
- ANTH 313 Peoples of Africa I&S (5)
- ARCH 251 World Architecture: Non-Western Cultures VLPA, I&S (5)
- BIO A 388 Human Fossils and Evolution NW (5)
- GEOG 230 Geographies of Global Inequality I&S, DIV (5)
- JSIS B 335 Geography of the Developing World SSc (5)
- HSTAFM 152 Introduction to African History, c. 1880 - Present I&S, DIV (5)
- JSIS A 210 Introduction to Islamic Civilization VLPA, I&S (5) Hamza Mahmood
- NEAR E 229 Introduction to Islamic Civilization VLPA, I&S (5) Hazma Mahmood
- JSIS B 331 Political Economy of Development SSc (5)
- JSIS 499 Undergraduate Research (1-5)
Africa Diaspora Courses
Language Courses
- SWA 201 Intermediate Swahili VLPA (5)
- FRENCH 301 Advanced French W, VLPA (5)
- FRENCH 303 Advanced French W, VLPA (5)