Past programs

A Visual Introduction to East Asian Philosophies and Religions

Program Start Date: Oct 17 2016

Location: Seattle, WA


The second of three workshops in the Teaching with East Asian Art series, this workshop explored approaches to teaching Daoism, Confucianism, Shinto, and Buddhism, utilizing visual expressions from each tradition. The basic tenets of each belief system were discussed in conjunction with images, providing concepts and images ready to use in your classroom.

Introduction to East Asian Art in the K-12 Classroom

Program Start Date: Oct 10 2016

Location: Seattle, WA

Korean Dragon

The first of three workshops in the Teaching with East Asian Art series. Teachers interested in using art with their students explored approaches to incorporating visual culture and art historical concepts suitable for use in the K-12 classroom. This workshop served as an introduction to art history, presented in tandem with approaches to using East Asian art in your classroom.

Write about Asia — Tea Times: Cultures, Commerce, and Conflict

Program Start Date: Oct 1 2016

Location: Seattle, WA

2016 WAA Culture and Preparation of Tea

The Seattle Asian Art Museum’s fall 2016 lecture series was titled “Tea Times: Cultures, Commerce, and Conflict.” Teachers attended the public lectures, in which a series of eight scholars discussed the ‘wild plants, distinct pleasures, and imperial exploitation’ that shaped the long story of tea. After the lectures, teachers met for a writing workshop facilitated by Mary Barber Roberts.

China’s Past: New Strategies for Teaching the Sources of Chinese Civilization

Program Start Date: Jul 25 2016

Location: Seattle, WA

China's Past

‘China’s Past: New Strategies for Teaching the Sources of Chinese Civilization’ covered a broad range of Chinese history including Confucius and the foundations of Chinese culture, the legacies of the Tang and Song dynasties, and the ways in which Chinese history is understood in China today. Particular attention was given to curriculum and resources for teachers of grades 3-8.

Japan and the West: From First Encounters to Contemporary Global Issues

Program Start Date: Jul 11 2016

Location: Seattle, WA

Japan and the West

‘Japan and the West’ focused on points of intersection between Japan, Europe, and America from their first encounters to the present. It wove together visual art with primary and secondary source texts in order to explore historical change and continuity from multiple perspectives. Several connections to US History were drawn.

Teaching Korea’s History and Culture

Program Start Date: May 24 2016

Location: Anchorage, AK

South Korea Flag

This Anchorage School District Summer Academy course explored the essential elements of Korean culture and the historical forces that have shaped the fates and the destinies of the people who live on the Korean peninsula today. Emphasis was given to pedagogical approaches for the classroom.

‘The Sun Gods’ book discussion with author Jay Rubin

Program Start Date: May 24 2016

Location: Seattle, WA

The Sun Gods banner

K12 teachers participated in an evening of discussion and conversation with author and translator Jay Rubin. As one of the foremost English-language translators of Japanese literature, he is best known for his numerous translations of novels by Haruki Murakami including ‘The Wind Up Bird Chronicle’ and the first two books of ‘1Q84.’ He published his novel ‘The Sun Gods’ last year…

‘Skills of the Ninja’ teacher workshop

Program Start Date: May 5 2016

Location: Seattle, WA

Skills of the Ninja banner

In films and animated movies, ninjas are invested with superhuman powers and exhibit impressive skills, but what about the ninjas who actually existed? K-12 teachers participated in a workshop in conjunction with the Gardner Center for Asian Art and Ideas’ “Skills of the Ninja” lecture-presentation by Professor Yuji Yamada of Mie University.

China, Japan and Korea: Literature for the 3-12 Classroom

Program Start Date: Mar 26 2016

Location: Seattle, WA

China, Japan and Korea - Literature for the 3-12 Classroom

In this three part workshop, teachers examined East Asia through the prism of children’s and young adult literature, both fiction and non-fiction. Using a cross section of literary genres within a range of historical periods and cultural contexts, teachers accomplished the following:

China on the World Stage

Program Start Date: Feb 25 2016

Location: Seattle, WA

China on world stage

Aside from being the most populated country in the world, China is a manufacturing and exporting powerhouse of machinery and technology. Despite China’s GDP—which has been growing an average of 10% each year—China has come to the forefront of global politics for both its deteriorating manufacturing sector and its urgent environmental crisis. Why is China’s manufacturing sector so crucial to the global economy?