Program Information

Corbett Exchange Scholars Program FAQs

Application and Selection

Credits and Courses




What is the application process?

For UW students: There are two applications you’ll need to complete. The Corbett Exchange application, which determines your eligibility and competitiveness for funding, and the UW Study Abroad direct exchange application to UBC and UVic. See the UW Study Abroad website for  more details on their application process.

For UBC and UVic students: Follow application instructions as indicated by your home school.

Corbett Exchange applications will be reviewed as they are received, and each applicant will also have a short, informal interview with the program manager.

When will decisions be made?

Applications are due January 31, 2024. Decisions will be made by early spring and announced no later than the end of March.

How is placement at UBC or UVic determined?

Students will only receive funding to attend a school that they have been approved for through UW Study Abroad. It is recommended that you apply for an exchange to both UBC and UVic. You can indicate your first choice in your Corbett Exchange application, which will be taken into account whenever possible. If you have strong preferences, you should indicate why in your application. Note: students who apply to the UVic exchange may have a higher chance of success, since there is typically less demand.

Are the credits I earn at my host school transferrable?

Yes! Every class you take as an exchange student will earn you credit. You will want to make an appointment with your departmental academic adviser to make sure you know how they will transfer.

UVic students: credits you take at UW will transfer directly as UVic credits.

How do I choose my courses/register at my host school?

Exchange students to UW will be given registration instructions once they have been accepted to the university. For the first quarter of your exchange, you will have to register during Period II. For all following quarters, you will have priority registration access during Period I. You can search course listings below:

At both UBC and UVic, students are registered by the study abroad offices. We will put you in touch with representatives of those offices to arrange for your classes. Always discuss your class choices with your home academic adviser to be sure they make sense with your graduation plan. You can search course listings for each school below:

NOTE: We do not recommend that students expect to get into STEM courses. These are often restricted and very difficult to access. Consider fulfilling elective requirements or taking a fun and unexpected course!

Do I pay tuition at my host school?

No! The Corbett Exchange Program is a direct exchange, which means you pay your home tuition rate only. You will still be registered as a student at your home school, but will be enrolled and receive full student benefits at your host school. Many students receive the same financial aid package that they would normally.

When do I receive the scholarship funds?

Funding is disbursed at the start of each term.

Exchange students to UW: you will receive your funding in three installments, at the beginning of each quarter (October, January, March).

Exchange students to UBC and UVic: you will receive your funding at the beginning of each semester (October and January). Please note that fall funds will not be released until the start of the UW school year, which is typically a few weeks after the start of the school year in Canada.

How can I use my scholarship funds?

Your award is yours to use as you wish. We recommend using the scholarship to support your living costs and any course materials you might need.

What about housing?

Housing options vary by campus and student preferences.

UBC: on-campus housing is available to all exchange students. Most students are placed in suites of 4 to 6 students. Some single units are available, but we do not recommend living alone for exchange students.

UVic: very limited on-campus housing is available, and most students live off-campus. There are many resources available through the school to help you secure housing. Some students choose to live in a shared apartment or even a homestay with a local family.

UW: Canadian exchange students to UW are able to apply for abundant on-campus housing. Students will be able to indicate their preferences for housing types

What is required of me as a Corbett Exchange Scholar?

Stay in touch! Respond to all emails promptly, and follow any directions from the Program Manager and your host school. As an alumni of the program, you will occasionally be asked for updates about you and your career, and to participate in events or workshops for the program.

Share your experiences! We expect each student to write at least one blog post about your time abroad.

Build community! Students at all three schools will connect monthly to learn from each other and strengthen the ties between our campuses.

Who can I talk to if I have more questions?

Marion Ferguson is the Corbett Exchange Program Manager, and should be your first point of contact. She can be reached at Specific questions about study abroad requirements, course registration, credit transfers, and housing can be directed to the following: