Isabel Wilson
Born and raised in Seattle, Washington, Isabel Wilson will be graduating this June from the University of Washington with a Bachelor’s degree in International Studies and with minors in Human Rights and Spanish. Isabel has interned for the World Affairs Council (WAC) Seattle branch as a Global Classroom Intern, demonstrating her commitment to community involvement and international education. Following her work at the WAC, Isabel began doing research on state actors COVID-19 responses through social media with Dr. Jessica Beyer at the University of Washington. In September 2022 she accepted the National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Experience for Undergraduates fellow opportunity for her continued research with Dr. Beyer. This year she is the Editor in Chief for Voyage UW magazine, which focuses on undergraduates travel experiences within the United States and abroad. Outside of class, Isabel can be found reading and hiking. She is excited to be a 2022 Global Cybersecurity Fellow.
Latest Isabel Wilson News
Digital Banking and Economic Development: Inclusion and Exclusion in Latin America
Meet Isabel Wilson: Mary Gates Research Scholarship 2022-23