Emily Willard

Dissertation Project
Resisting Erasure: Narratives of Survivance in Guatemala
Professional Background
Research Associate and Project Coordinator, The National Security Archive 2009-2015
Spanish, Qualitative Methods
Emily Willard is conducting her dissertation research on women’s experience of conflict, Indigenous politics, and transitional justice in Guatemala. She is a fellow at the University of Washington Center for Human Rights conducting research to support truth and justice efforts in El Salvador, and to advance immigrant rights in Washington State. She also helps supervise the Center’s freedom of information (FOIA) work. During the summer of 2019, she served as an intern for the ACLU of Washington’s Smart Justice campaign, working to reduce long and life sentences in Washington State. Previously, she worked at the National Security Archive in Washington, D.C. where she co-founded the Genocide Documentation Project. Emily also worked for the Archive’s Latin America Evidence Project, filing Freedom of Information Act requests for documents to be used as evidence in human rights trials, and advocating for access to information as a human right. She is a 2014 Rotary Peace Fellow. Emily earned her B.A. and M.A. at American University’s School of International Service in Washington, D.C., researching human rights in Latin America, and violence against women in Guatemala.
Willard in the news: https://jsis.washington.edu/humanrights/2018/12/18/student-reflection-iachr/
- Willard, Emily. “New Documents Shed Light: Why Did Peacekeepers Withdraw during Rwanda’s 1994 Genocide?” Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal 12, no. 3 (2018).
- Willard, Emily. “Book Review: ‘The Other Slavery: The Uncovered Story of Indian Enslavement in America.’” Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal 12, no. 3 (2018).
- Willard, Emily. “Maya Community Celebrates 20th Anniversary of their Return to Guatemala.” International Cry Magazine. August 24, 2018.
- Willard, Emily. “How Do We Decolonize Research?” Sectors: Newsletter of the American Sociological Association’s Sociology of Development Section 3, no. 2 (Autumn 2016).
- Tom Blanton, Emily Willard. “Road to Dayton Paved with Genocide.” The National Security Archive, Briefing Book no. 535, November 23, 2015.
- Tom Blanton, Emily Willard. “Srebrenica Conference Documents Detail Path to Genocide from 1993 to 1995.” The National Security Archive Briefing Book, no. 519, July 1, 2015.
- Tom Blanton, Emily Willard. “Rwanda Pullout Driven by Clinton White House, U.N. Equivocation.” The National Security Archive, Briefing Book, no. 511, April 16, 2015.
- Emily Willard. “Key Diplomat’s Personal Notebook Sheds Light on Inner-Workings of US Government Response to Genocide Unfolding in Rwanda in 1994.” The National Security Archive, Briefing Book no. 500, January 30, 2015
- Emily Willard. “Rwanda: The Failure of the Arusha Accords.” The National Security Archive, Briefing Book no. 469, May 21, 2014.
Grants & Fellowships
- 2019 JSIS Diversity & Equity Research Travel Grant, UW
- 2018 JSIS Leslianne Shedd Internship Scholarship in International Studies and Public Health, UW
- 2018 JSIS Jackson-Fosdick Internship Scholarship, UW
- 2018 Benjamin Linder Endowed Fund, University of Washington Center for Human Rights
- 2017 & 2018 Dr. Clyde Snow Fund for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, UW
- 2016-2017 Chester Fritz Fellowship for International Research and Study, UW
- 2016 Mack-Mayerfeld Fellowship, University of Washington Center for Human Rights
- 2016 Jennifer Caldwell Fellowship, University of Washington Center for Human Rights
- 2014 Rotary Peace Fellowship, Rotary International Foundation
Dissertation Committee
Angelina Godoy
Tony Lucero
Committee Member
Adam Warren
Committee Member
Jean Dennison
Committee Member
Ileana Rodriguez-Silva