Douglas Miller

Ph.D. 2020, 2015 Cohort
Douglas Miller

Dissertation Project

Heliocracy A Comprehensive Reevaluation of Japanese Political History

Professional Background

Japanese-English / English-Japanese Translator & Interpreter


Japanese, Linguistic Analysis



Douglas Miller’s primary research interest is the analysis of comparative political theory, namely, the inaccurate application of western political norms in Asia. Born and raised in Tokyo, Japan, Douglas became interested in the intricacies of how Japanese society works differently from other democracies. Experiencing the Greater East Japan Earthquake firsthand, and seeing the spontaneous anti-nuclear movements spring up, Douglas worked with activists and political parties in the front lines, conducting extensive fieldwork on the anti-nuclear movements, and ongoing research on why the post-3.11 movement has failed in obtaining any policy changes from the government. Douglas holds a Bachelor’s in Political Science from Temple University and a Master’s in International Studies: Japan from the University of Washington.


 Grants & Fellowships

  • Research Assistantships, University of Washington, 2014-2016.
  • Japan Studies Fellowship, University of Washington, 2014-2015.
  • Diamond Peer Teacher Award, Temple University, 2013-2014.

Dissertation Committee

Post Graduation