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Representatives from the Arctic Council Working Groups and Task Forces share some of the highlights from their departments during the US Chairmanship.
From left to right: Drue Pearce (at podium), Moderator from University of Alaska Fairbanks; Reidar Hindrum, Chair of Conservations of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group; Martin Forsius, Chair of Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program Working Group; Roberta Burns, Chair of the Sustainable Development Working Group; Renée Sauvé, Chair of Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment Working Group; Amy Merten, Chair of Emergency Preparedness, Prevention and Response Working Group; Marcus Carson, Arctic Resilience Report Task Force; Joel Clement, Arctic Resilience Action Framewor; Evan Bloom, Co-Chair of Scientific Cooperation Task Force; Ulrik Westman, Chair of Arctic Contaminants Action Program