May 8, 2017
Posted by: Jessica Beyer
Cybersecurity is of vital importance to US-China relations, particularly in relation to national information security and the business market. While it is a new realm for trust and cooperation between China and the US, it has already led to a high level of tension.
May 2, 2017
Posted by: Jessica Beyer
Myanmar’s large and emerging market has great potential for US tech companies and its geo-strategic location is also central to US security strategies. However, the exponential growth and spread of the Internet has created an environment wrought with privacy and security risks and low user awareness.
April 14, 2017
Posted by: Jessica Beyer
The flow of data between the United States and the European Union has always been an essential element to international trade and transatlantic cooperation. Yet, different philosophies regarding the way in which individuals access and maintain the Internet creates barriers to trade.
March 24, 2017
Posted by: Jessica Beyer
Cameroon is a longtime US ally and stabilizing regional force. It is particularly vulnerable to cybercrime, but a corrupt government makes any state-led cybersecurity effort risky.
March 7, 2017
Posted by: Jessica Beyer
The US and Brazil are the two largest economies in the hemisphere as well as the two largest transit points for Internet traffic. Brazil’s centrality to Internet traffic and economic strength will make it a crucial partner on issues such as cybercrime, critical infrastructure protection, and universal access.
March 7, 2017
Posted by: Jessica Beyer
Cuban-US relations are at a turning point. US investment in Cuban cybersecurity and cybersecurity education could grant the US a valuable regional partner as well as create economic opportunity for US companies.
February 28, 2017
Posted by: Jessica Beyer
US and ASEAN are significant economic, political, and geo-strategic partners. However, cyber insecurity characterizes the region, stifling potential economic and political gains.
February 12, 2017
Posted by: Jessica Beyer
Japan is a critical economic and security ally of the United States, both in the traditional and cyber realms. The nation has long sought help for its traditional security from the United States and it is now seeking help for its online efforts using the language of global cooperation.
February 7, 2017
Posted by: Jessica Beyer
The U.S. and South Korea have a long history of security cooperation and share a common enemy in North Korea. However, existing measures do not adequately address cybersecurity threats from North Korea.
January 31, 2017
Posted by: Jessica Beyer
Turkey and the U.S. have a long history of cooperation and Turkey’s geopolitical location makes it central to the U.S.’s Middle East policy. However, Turkey’s turn to authoritarianism, actions in the region, and the presence of Gulen in the U.S. has strained relations between the two countries.