March 19, 2019
Posted by: Jeremy D Pritchard
In 2018, a JSIS GRG research team conducted a feasibility assessment for The Rohingya Project (TRP) and their proposed plan to create self-sovereign digital identities for the stateless Rohingya diaspora.
May 1, 2018
Posted by: Monique Thormann
Three Jackson School seniors and one junior are already bridging the gap between their research skills and the real world of policymaking by taking (and testing) their skills across the
October 25, 2017
Posted by: Jessica Beyer
“Big Brother is always watching” does not seem so far-fetched given the extensive cyber-surveillance powers in the world today. In response, privacy concerns have mounted both in the U.S and across
July 25, 2017
Posted by: Jessica Beyer
Ensuring accountability and transparency in the distribution of refugee aid has always been a herculean task. Mismanagement of funds is rife and more often than not, aid is swallowed up