Topic: Cyberwar

Closing the Technological Gap: The Role of Blockchain in Russia’s Nuclear Security

February 1, 2019

Posted by: Jessica Beyer


As cyber-information technologies became “weapons of choice” in today’s geopolitics, the leading nation-states have engaged in the so-called latest technological race. The governments recognize the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and blockchain in offensive and defensive applications, and security, placing significant attention on the rapid adoption of these emerging technologies. Russia in particular has been “claiming” to pioneer blockchain technology.

Presenting to the Pros: Jackson School Students Research Cyberattack Attribution for Microsoft

July 29, 2017

Posted by: Jessica Beyer

Jackson School Applied Research Project students at Microsoft

During spring quarter, one of the Jackson School’s Applied Research Program student teams was given a daunting task – help Microsoft think about Brad Smith’s call for a Digital Geneva Convention. In addition to weighing in on current Microsoft strategy, the students found out that they were working on the exact same research task that Microsoft had asked RAND to tackle. The project was the fifth product of a Jackson School Applied Research collaboration with Microsoft’s Global Security Strategy & Diplomacy Team.

Cybersecurity and the Nuclear Industry

June 7, 2017

Posted by: Jessica Beyer

Perry Power Plant Cooling Towers

Nuclear facilities are among the most highly secured type of critical infrastructure in the U.S. Despite the implementation of safety measures, digital instruments and computer-based systems associated with the physical protection system and the control systems inside facilities are still vulnerable. Creating air-gaps and standalone systems is somewhat ineffective when it comes to protecting nuclear facilities against complicated and targeted cyber-attacks. Cyber-attacks on nuclear power plants and their control systems could expedite the theft of usable nuclear materials and malicious acts by adversaries.