The Center for Korea Studies fosters teaching, research, and outreach related to Korea. To this end the Center currently supports a Korea Studies colloquia series, a visiting scholars program, student scholarships, international student exchange programs, an outreach program to K-12 educators, Korean language textbook development, and the publication of research on Korea.
Visit Center for Korea Studies
October 1, 2018
Posted by: djsmith1
Clint Work, doctoral candidate at the Jackson School, shares his article “Peace in Korea won’t eliminate the need for American Troops,” looking at the 25,000 United States troops currently stationed
August 16, 2018
Posted by: dpal
Jackson School Professor Saadia Pekkanen, a space policy expert, has weighed in on the “space force” in a Popular Science article “Trump’s Space Force aims to create ‘American dominance in space’
June 18, 2018
Posted by: odedo
Professor Emeritus Donald Hellman, an expert on East Asia who has visited North Korea during his decades long career, discusses the historic summit between North Korea and the U.S. He
June 18, 2018
Posted by: Monique Thormann
In his latest article, ‘Denuclearization’: What Does It Mean for the Korean Peninsula?, Lecturer Scott Montgomery asserts President Trump and North Korea Leader Kim Jong-Un are talking about significantly different
June 12, 2018
Posted by: Monique Thormann
Professor Emeritus Donald Hellman, an expert on East Asia who has visited North Korea during his decades long career, gives a live TV interview about the U.S.-North Korea Summit, including
June 11, 2018
Posted by: Monique Thormann
North Korea has already won the U.S.-Korea Summit by just securing a face-to-face meeting with the U.S. President, and it will be difficult for the U.S. to come away with a
May 30, 2018
Posted by: odedo
Jackson School Professor Emeritus Don Hellmann analyzes Trump’s decision to cancel the planned June summit with North Korea, saying Trump did not make adequate preparations for the summit, or plan an agenda
May 14, 2018
Posted by: odedo
Doctoral Candidate Patrick Thomsen writes about the struggle to define Samoan identity and who has the authority to judge what is Samoan, and what is not in his article “One
May 14, 2018
Posted by: odedo
Doctoral Candidate Patrick Thomsen publishes an op-ed on intersections and the multiple forms of social exclusion as well as the importance of having space for intersectional scholars in Reflections from
May 14, 2018
Posted by: odedo
Doctoral Candidate Clint Work is interviewed by Santiago Chile’s newspaper El Mercurio on the release of U.S. hostages by North Korea.