December 21, 2017
Posted by: Monique Thormann
Scott Montgomery, Jackson School Lecturer, writes about why after decades of bitter struggle, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge seems on the verge of being opened to the oil industry with the
October 19, 2017
Posted by: monick
As I fly over the southern tip of Greenland en route to the Arctic Energy Summit (September 18–20, 2017 in Helsinki, Finland), I can’t help but reflect on the unique
October 5, 2017
Posted by: monick
As I fly over the southern tip of Greenland en route to the Arctic Energy Summit (September 18–20, 2017 in Helsinki, Finland), I can’t help but reflect on the unique
September 19, 2017
Posted by: monick
On July 6, 2017, the third Korea Arctic Academy (KAA) kicked off with an opening ceremony, which included welcoming remarks from Justin Kim, Director General of Industry Intelligence and Strategy
September 11, 2017
Posted by: monick
The Canadian North is a region where both land and society are vulnerable to climate change. Commonly defined as territory above 60° latitude (Yukon, Northwest Territories [NWT], and Nunavut), as
September 7, 2017
Posted by: monick
Animal-rights activists stirred a global outcry against the Canadian seal hunt in the 1970s and 80s with graphic pictures of the annual slaughter of baby harp seals. The anti-sealing campaigns—aided
September 6, 2017
Posted by: monick
At the 2014 Arctic Circle Assembly, in front of more than 2,000 participants from 50 countries, Philippe Couillard, premier of Québec, highlighted the province’s commitment to Arctic matters, stating, “We
September 1, 2017
Posted by: monick
Having been accepted into the Model Arctic Council hosted by Dartmouth University, I opened a spreadsheet titled “Role Assignments” and saw that I would be role-playing as RAIPON (the Russian
August 31, 2017
Posted by: monick
Russia planting its flag on the seabed under the North Pole during the Arktika 2007 expedition marked the unofficial beginning of the so-called ‘Arctic cold rush’ or ‘race to the
August 30, 2017
Posted by: monick
In 1987, Mikhail Gorbachev became the first major political figure to deliver a speech on Arctic issues, setting in motion a process to establish a regional governance body. This week