Comparative Religion Courses – Winter 2016
November 3, 2015
- JSIS 201 The Making of the 21st Century SSc (5)
- RELIG 202 Introduction to World Religions: Eastern Traditions SSc (5)
- RELIG 212 Introduction to the Quran (5)
- JSIS C 250 Introduction to Jewish Cultural History I&S (5)
- JSIS C 321 Comparative Religion I&S (3, 5) Sutrisno, Evi Lina
- JSIS C 380 Theories in the Study of Religion: Religion and Modernity in Western Thought I&S (5)
- JSIS C 403 Modern European-Islamic Migration, Integration, and Citizenship I&S (5)
- JSIS C 490 Special Topics Religion - Esoteric Buddhism I&S (5)
- JSIS C 502 Religion in Comparative Perspective (5)
- JSIS C 590 Special Topics: Heterodox Cosmologies and Social Behavior (5)
- JSIS C 598 Colloquium in Comparative Religion (1)
Additional Comparative Religion Electives
- JSIS A 268 Introduction to the Silk Road SSc (5) Talant Mawkanuli
- ASIAN 206 Literature and Culture of South Asia from Tradition to Modernity VLPA, I&S (5)
- CLAS 430 Greek and Roman Mythology VLPA (3)
- ENGL 310 The Bible as Literature VLPA (5)
- HSTAM 370 The Vikings VLPA, I&S (5) Terje I. Leiren
- HSTAM 490 Reacting to the Past - Religion and Politics in the European Middle Ages (5) Robin C. Stacey
- HSTEU 402 The Reformation I&S (5)
- NEAR E 296 Sex and Violence in Judaism and Islam I&S (5) Hamza Mahmood
- NEAR E 311 The Archaeology of Biblical Israel I&S (5) Stephanie Selover
- NEAR E 333 Prophecy in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam I&S (3) Hamza Zafer
- BIBHEB 202 Inscriptions from Biblical Times VLPA (5)