ESS 402 / ARCTIC 387
Blog Articles:
- Sustainable housing and investment in renewable energy for a better future in Arctic communities, by Alden Rose
- The ethics of ice-sheet research: The relationships between ice-sheet scientists and Indigenous Greenlanders as an opportunity for change, by Anna Boyar
- Establishing the role of Permanent Participants on the Arctic Council: How Arctic Indigenous groups gained recognition on the Arctic Council, by Elizabeth Mayer
- The Cape York meteorite: Making an impact on Greenland, by Emily Johnson
- Where we fail: An examination of scientific miscommunication, by Emily Wilbur
- Environmental injustice in a warming Arctic, by Eunice Lee
- Bowhead whales: Modern and future threats to recovery, by Katie Hearther
- Is the solution to climate change better urban planning? The role of urban infrastructure in driving individual carbon footprints, by Lela Cooper