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China Matters: Understanding China in the 21st Century

China matters


Since Mao’s death and Deng Xiaoping’s nationwide experiment with “socialism with Chinese characteristics,” China has become an increasingly complex and dynamic society. How can we integrate China into our teaching and situate China in a global context? How can we explore global themes such as nationalism, migration, urbanization, economic development, civil society, and sustainability, using China as an example? How do we support students to read behind the headlines, break down stereotypes and misconceptions, and distinguish between fact and opinion?

In this seminar, we explored political, economic, social, and cultural themes that are emerging in 21st century China. Readings and resource discussions further enhanced our understanding of themes and also provide an avenue to explore individuals’ voices through primary sources and other teaching resources.


This seminar was offered concurrently in Bellingham and Tacoma, WA

Bellingham Tacoma
Dates Wednesdays: January 21, February 18, March 18, and April 22 Thursdays: January 29, February 19, March 19, and April 23
Time 4:30-8:30 p.m. 4:30-8:30 p.m.
Location Fairhaven Branch Library Stadium High School


Tese Wintz Neighbor, China specialist


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  • Course books listed above
  • 20 OSPI clock hours (free) or two 400-level UW credits (for a fee of approx. $240)
  • $100 stipend
  • Subscription to Education about Asia