Resources for K-12 Education

Teacher Training (Highline School District): Finding Home

South and Southeast Asians Find Home: Pairing Informational and Fiction Texts

This two evening workshop will explore how the cultural context (setting) contributes to or mirrors the conflicts in the text and inquire how the context shapes or reflects the main character.   Teachers will choose from a variety of countries, texts and genres that address this important topic.  UW Jackson School will send participants background information before the first class so that teachers can become more familiar with the regions this workshop features.

The first evening will present an overview of the political, social, economic or religious conditions that would cause a person to make the difficult decision to leave home or to re-define home. Teachers will then explore the following guiding questions:

·         What is home?

·         How do critical incidents reveal character?

·         What common themes unify the motivations to re-define home?

·         What methods do authors use to tell powerful stories about people’s experience?

o    Critical incidents reveal a character’s dynamic nature.

o    Characters change over time in response to challenges.

o    The genre the author selects is important.  The text structure should convey meaning and fully engage the reader.


Facilitated by Mary Roberts, the UW Centers for Global Studies, South Asia, and Southeast Asia will convene the class for the first introductory session to provide needed background information and small group sharing, followed by a few weeks during which participants will work on their individual projects. Then, the group will reconvene for an evening meeting. Through presentations teachers will share their research projects with other class members and will have access to the others studies completed by the group.

Location: Mount Rainier High School Library Dates and Times: Tuesday, March 7, 2017 and Tuesday, March 28, 2017  4:00 – 7:00.

Benefits of Participation

•     Free mentor text

•     Ten free clock hours from the University of Washington

•     $100 stipend for participation upon completion of attendance, all assignments and the course evaluation


Please click here to fill out your registration form. Please note: Your registration is not complete until we receive your registration fee of $30.00. Instructions for sending your registration fee are included at the registration link.