Satu Miettinen

Satu Miettinen is currently the Dean of the Faculty of Art and Design at the University of Lapland in Finland. She is also a Professor of Service Design at the same university. Satu Miettinen is recognised as one of the pioneers in the field of service design and has written some of the earliest books on this topic. Read more at
She worked as the principal investigator in different projects: – The Acting on the Margins: Arts as Social Sculpture (AMASS) project funded by the European Commission Horizon 2020 Transformations -programme (2020-2022). – The SeeYouth project, a global Trans-Atlantic Platform project funded by the Academy of Finland (2020-2021). – The Participatory Design with Youth (PARTY) project funded by Horizon 2020 MSCA RISE (2015-2019) with partners from South Africa, Namibia, Italy, and the UK. – Several research projects funded by Finnish Innovation Fund TEKES, currently Business Finland: HYMY (2008–2010), PALMU (2010–2011), Value from Emotion (2013–2014), HumanSee (2015–2016). – Implementing the DIMECC N4S research program (2014-2017). – Leading an artistic research project called “Women living on the edges of the world” funded by the KONE Foundation (2016-2017). The project explores the margins and coping in extreme remote conditions through artistic work in Russia, Australia, and Lapland. Currently she is leading Business Finland funded Empathy Business project 2023-24.
Satu Miettinen is an active artist and designer who works in the areas of art that engages with society and ecofeminist photography. She is a member of Artists’ Association MUU ry, which is a national art organisation in Finland focused on new media art. She is also a member of the Photography and Media Art Association Valmed ry. She is also a member of professional designers organisation Ornamo as an industrial designer TKO. Satu was a part of the National Committee of Diversity in Arts at the National Arts Promotion Centre TAIKE between 2019-2022.