Lucy Amelia Kruesel
Following Nordic handcraft and sustainable design, Lucy is tracing natural resources and craft practices to examine how they are transformed through climate change, technology and contemporary concepts of “science.” Working towards a Masters of Education focused on Native Education, Environmental Policy, and Historic Preservation, she is exploring ways to engage students (intergenerational) while questioning curriculums and making space for Traditional Ways of Knowing. She hopes to be a part of empowerment in Indigenous communities to help achieve self-determination, self-mobilization and environmental leadership that they desire. Influenced by my Bachelors Degree from University of Puget Sound in Geology, she is combing many conceptual interpretations of Science, and ways we communicate scientifically.
Research interests: Economies driven by self-expression & creativity; cultural sensitivity/focus within & around educational curriculum; natural resources as cultural resources; creativity as survival, livelihood in “weather-extreme” regions.
International Policy Research Arctic Fellow Activities
- “Future of Recent Past: Annie Pootoogook Reclaims (Inuit) Visual Sovereignty,” Arctic and International Relations Series, Issue #5, forthcoming 2017.
- “Building Mindfulness and Pride in Nunavik” (8:54 min.), Arctic Indigenous Economies Video Series (November 2016).