Kendall Hutchison-Plovie
My name is Kendall Hutchison-Plovie and I am currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in history and Indigenous studies at the University of British Columbia’s Okanagan campus (UBCO). At UBCO, I have had to pleasure of expanding my knowledge about the Indigenous Nations of the Okanagan, the Syilx People. Through the combination of history and Indigenous studies, I have developed a unified interpretation of a single history—one that consists of two memories and two perspectives. By attending the University of Washington next year, I intend to strengthen my understanding of American history, especially the colonization practices used against the Indigenous Nations of the Pacific Northwest region. I am honored to be receiving the Corbett scholarship to aid me in my pursuit of this lifelong knowledge and allow me to embrace Seattle’s unique culture and experience the city to its full potential. I was 12 years old when I took a road trip with my parents across the Washington coast and visited Seattle. Since then, I have frequently visited, as my fiancé and his family reside in Seattle. It is my hope that my year abroad at the University of Washington will leave me with a deeper understanding of American history and the region’s Indigenous Peoples, a love for Seattle’s culture and geography, and an opportunity to develop connections for future career and study possibilities.
The Corbett British Columbia-Washington International Exchange Program Fund provides an opportunity for undergraduate students at the University of Washington to spend two semesters at the University of British Columbia or University of Victoria; and for students from the University of British Columbia and University of Victoria to spend three quarters at the University of Washington.