Hannah Doyle

Communication, University of Washington, 2020-2021 Corbett Recipient


My name is Hannah Doyle, and I am from West Richland, a small town in rural Southeastern Washington. I am majoring in Communication (Political Communication & Rhetoric) and minoring in Scandinavian Area Studies and Classical Studies. After graduating from the University of Washington, I plan to study international law and pursue a career in the realm of international relations. Topics related to NATO and the Arctic are of particular interest to me, which is why I decided to study in Canada. Since the U.S. and Canada are each members of both NATO and the Arctic Council, I look forward to learning more about their bilateral relationship during my time at the University of British Columbia. I am passionate about traveling and experiencing new cultures, so I am excited to immerse myself into the Canadian way of life and explore Vancouver.

The Corbett British Columbia-Washington International Exchange Program Fund provides an opportunity for undergraduate students at the University of Washington to spend two semesters at the University of British Columbia or University of Victoria; and for students from the University of British Columbia and University of Victoria to spend three quarters at the University of Washington.