Ellie Chew

Physics, UW to University of British Columbia
Photo of Ellie Chew in front of the UW cherry blossoms


Hi! My name is Ellie Chew (she/they), and I am a second-year physics major at the University of Washington. My interests are in science communication, particularly in bridging quantum computing and mathematics with education, speculative fiction, and film to expand scientific interest beyond educational institutions to encompass the everyday lives of the public community. I am concerned about our current-day glorification of STEM perspectives, our mistrust and division over developments that greatly affect our futures such as AI, vaccines, and GMOs, and our slipping attention to our environment and ethics. At UBC, I am excited to analyze scientific outreach and communication as a process “to establish mutual trust and understanding between scientists and the public”.

Outside of that, I enjoy tutoring writing along with making films, roller blading, playing video games, and learning how chess works. As a child, I loved taking the Amtrak train for short weekend trips to Vancouver, and now as a college student, I am incredibly grateful for and supportive of public transportation. With my time abroad, I also hope to learn more about urban planning and investigate the ties between physical and social landscapes between Vancouver and Seattle.

The Corbett British Columbia-Washington International Exchange Program Fund provides an opportunity for undergraduate students at the University of Washington to spend two semesters at the University of British Columbia or University of Victoria; and for students from the University of British Columbia and University of Victoria to spend three quarters at the University of Washington.