Elizabeth Wessells

PhD, Archaeology, Inuktitut


ublaakkut! My main research interests center on Indigenous landscape management practices, and how these shape the relationships between people, plants, and place. Extensive research and focus exists on how Inuit relate to the animal world of the Arctic, but Inuit community members and researchers in Nunavut and across Inuit Nunangat are working to elevate the broader understanding of traditional plant medicines, foods, and materials – especially as relating to policy decisions impacting such species. My own research focuses on the landscapes and plants within national park lands, and collaborative resource management between Indigenous nations and federal governments. This work is inspired by my professional experience with the U.S. National Park Service, and I hope to bring the insights of my research back to National Park Service decision makers after completing my graduate studies. The FLAS fellowship in Inuktitut supports my study of language, culture, and policy in the Canadian Arctic, and provides a critical reflective lens for considering parallel relations between Indigenous nations, homelands, and plant life within the United States. qujannamiik!