Daniel Dickey

Daniel Dickey was the 2005-06Pacific Northwest Québec Professor.Daniel Dickey is currently a researcher for the First Nations of Québec and Labrador Health and Social Services Commissions. Dickey is responsible for providing training sessions to First Nations communities to empower the communities and to create jobs. He developed, in conjunction with the First Nations of Québec and Labrador Sustainable Development Institute, the First Nations of Québec Research Protocol, which was adopted by the Québec and Labrador Assembly of First Nations. In 2004 Dickey worked for an environmental, urbanism and socio-economics consultants’ firm (Vincent Roquet and Associates) as part of a study to measure the impact of hydroelectric projects on the Cree Nations of the James Bay region. He has also worked for Makivik Corporation conducting interviews with Inuit hunters and elders on their traditional knowledge of use of the land. Dickey applied for and was awarded the Pacific Northwest Québec professorship for Winter 2006.
During the Winter 2006 quarter, Dickey taught SIS 350: The Remapping of Environmental Politics, a core requirement for a degree in International Studies in the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies. The course focused on Québec’s energy network and its management of the environment. The course included an overview of Québec history, hydroelectricity, forestry, mines, nuclear energy, the Kyoto Protocol and its impact on Québec and Québec’s aboriginal communities, and alternative energy sources. As water and forest products are the main riches of the province, clashes are inevitable with aboriginal people as most of their communities are located in natural environments. Throughout the course, a recurrent theme was the use of partnerships as a new way to deal and work with aboriginal people. Québec’s energy and environmental relationships were examined through the lens of sustainable development. Twenty-five international studies students took the course.