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Successful revival of Québécois literature course

Hedwige Meyer stands outside the entrance to Centre de la Francophonie des Ameriques
Hedwige Meyer outside Le Centre de la francophonie des Amériques. Photo credit: Hedwige Meyer

April 18, 2024

With the support of the Canadian Studies Center and the Quebec Ministry of International Relations and Francophonie, this past Winter quarter, teaching professor Hedwige Meyer revived a Québécois literature course that had not been offered for several years on the UW Seattle campus. Seventeen students were enrolled in FRENCH 441 as well as an auditing graduate student and two Access students. The course was offered entirely in French and students read a variety of Indigenous and non-indigenous authors. The class focused on the history and traditions of First Nations in Quebec, as well as on ecology, and the concept of land and territory. The class met over Zoom with two popular authors: Juliana Léveillé-Trudel and Gabrielle Filteau-Chiba, and also held virtual meetings with the Public Affairs and Cooperation Director of the Quebec Government Office in Los Angeles, David Ruiz, and with a staff member of the Hannenoral bookstore. The class was a success and will be offered again in Winter 2025.