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Create Research Guides For Courses! News from the UW Library Collections

May 30, 2010

librarynews 2010

Siôn Romaine, Canadian Studies Librarian, and Deb Raftus, Romance Languages and Literature Librarian, review Québécois language and literature resources available through the University Libraries.

Did you know your subject librarians are available to create customized library research pages for your courses?
Thanks to a new piece of software called LibGuides, subject librarians can easily create research guides tailored to your course, providing your students with a quick way to determine the most relevant article databases, catalogs, reference books and web sites for their course research. Current class guides may be browsed online, by visiting and selecting Class Guides.

For Spring 2010, Deb Raftus, Romance Languages and Literature Librarian, created a class guide for French 327B La Culture Québécoise Contemporaine, a conversational French course taught by instructor Lisa Connell. Siôn created a class guide for Communications 495 Québec Film, Culture and Society, taught by instructor Natalie Debray, also in Spring Quarter. Both guides provide students studying Québec with a customized portal to the resources and services offered by the University Libraries.

Do you need a research guide created for your Canadian Studies class, or an instructional session on library resources? Don’t hesitate to contact Siôn, Deb or your subject specialist librarian. We’re your partners in teaching and learning!

Siôn’s degree is from the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies at the University of British Columbia with a research focus in First Nations library services. Siôn oversees the Libraries’ Subject Guide on Canada, provides a monthly notice of new Canadian Studies acquisitions, and serves as the Library representative on the Executive Council for the Pacific Northwest Canadian Studies Consortium.