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2009-10 Events Report

June 30, 2010

The following is a listing of all Center lectures, workshops, conferences, and other activities in the 2009-10 academic year.

Thanks to the tremendous support the Center receives, over 3,000 members of the university and local community, including educators, business leaders and government officials, were served through our programming in the 2009–2010 academic year.

Academic Conferences and Symposia

17 October 2009 – International Canadian Studies Institute Impacts Conference
The conference brought together academics from 18 institutions in the Pacific Northwest (Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Alaska, British Columbia, Montana, Alberta and the Yukon) to share their current research on Canada-US policies including sustainability, the Arctic, border issues, urban planning, and the arts. The conference served to further institutional research collaborations in the region.
Co-sponsors: Pacific Northwest Canadian Studies Consortium, Government of Canada

Conference Report

21 October 2009 – “Negotiating and Implementing the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement” 
by Terry Fenge, Ottawa-based Consultant
Nunavut is the largest land claim between an Aboriginal people and state in the world. The agreement was signed in 1993 and Nunavut became a territory in 1999. Dr. Fenge discussed how this modern treaty “changed forever the face of Canada” and current opportunities and challenges.
Co-sponsors: UW Native Law School
Nunavut Map
Inuit and the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement, Terry Fenge, 2007-08
Implementing Comprehensive Land Claims Agreement, Terry Fenge, 2008

Nunavut and the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement, Barry Dewar, 2009

24 October 2009 – The Fifth Annual Québec Workshop: Culture, politique et diversité du Québec comme sources d’inspiration dans la didactique de la langue française
This workshop will be conducted in French and is open to educators and students in teaching certificate programs or French-language programs. We are delighted to have two Professor Thierry Giasson from Université Laval joining us again this year. Additional presentations will be given by Karen Boschker, teacher of French, and Louis Léger, also an educator and an expert in traditional Acadian music. The workshop will conclude with a performance by La Famille Léger.

La réalité francophone du Québec en fait une région d’exception en Amérique du Nord. Patrie de la seconde plus importante nation francophone dans le monde, le Québec a su maintenir et développer, au cours des 400 dernières années, une identité culturelle qui lui est propre. Cet atelier vise deux objectifs: 1. Familiariser plus spécifiquement les participants à la société et la culture québécoises et aux relations culturelles, politiques et économiques qu’entretiennent le Québec et les états-Unis. 2. Faire de ces informations factuelles sur le Québec des sources d’inspiration pour les activités de didactique de la langue française des participants.

Workshop Schedule
9:00 – 9:15 Registration
9:15 – 9:20 Welcome and Introductions
9:20 – 10:30 Presentation by Thierry Giasson, Université Laval
10:30 – 10:45 Break
10:45 – 11:45 Presentation by Karen Boschker, High School French Teacher
11:45 – 12:00 Pick Up Lunch
12:00 – 13:00 Presentation by Thierry Giasson, Université Laval
13:00 – 13:15 Break
13:15 – 14:15 Presentation by Louis Léger, Elementary School Teacher
14:15 – 14:30 Workshop Conclusion and Evaluation
14:30 – 15:30 Performance by La Famille Léger

Sponsors: Canadian Studies Center at the University of Washington, the Center for Canadian American Studies at Western Washington University, and K-12 Study Canada.

30 October 2009 – Education for Diversity in a Global Society
This day-long conference aimed to facilitate a comparative study of multicultural education across nations, including Canada. These diverse perspectives serve to enrich theory, research and practice in the U.S. Reva Joshee provided current policies and practice from the Canadian perspective.
Co-sponsors: UW Center for Multicultural Education, UW Office of Minority Affairs and Diversity, UW Diversity Institute, UW Center for Curriculum Transformation

17 November 2009 – “The Impact of Homophobia on LGBT Citizens: A Canada-US Comparative Perspective” 
by Douglas Janoff
Special guest Douglas Janoff, author of Pink Blood: Homophobic Violence in Canada, provided an overview of the struggle for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights in Canada. The discussion focused on the impact of homophobia on LGBT citizens on both sides of the border. Legislative staff from Olympia, as well as a volunteer attorney on LGBT Issues from the ACLU, discussed homophobia emerging from recent voter referenda and legislation.
Co-sponsors: UW Libraries, UW Q Center

8-9 January 2010 – Fifth Annual Public Health Symposium: Canada-U.S. Academic Collaboration in the Pacific Northwest
The symposium brought together faculty and graduate students from UW and UBC to increase collaboration across the border and between institutions; to develop a common agenda for teaching and future research; and to explore ways to create a population research “laboratory” across borders.
Co-sponsors: UW School of Public Health, UBC School of Populataion and Public Health
Symposium Program

13-16 February 2010 – Indigenous Vision, “Cross-border Films in Native Voices,”
by Angelo Baca, Independent Filmmaker, graduate of Native Voices
Baca, a graduate of the UW Native Voices Program, discussed the cross-border film work that is being conducted in the UW Native Voices Program.
Co-sponsors: Big Sky Documentary Film Festival

26 February 2010 – “Impact of World War II on Japanese Americans and Japanese Canadians: Comparative & Contemporary Perspectives,” part of the UW Day of Remembrance
with Masako Iino and Greg Robinson
Greg Robinson provided a comparative analysis of the respective treatments of Japanese Americans and Japanese Canadians during World War II, which revealed the character of law, society, and race relations in the US and Canada. Masaki Iino discussed how many Japanese Canadians tried to distance themselves from features that reminded others of their Japanese origins after the War, and speculated on the contemporary and future concerns surrounding Buddhist and Christian Japanese Canadians and Japanese Americans as they face the future.
Co-sponsors: UW Dept of American Ethnic Studies, and the Consulate General of Japan in Seattle
Newsletter Article

26 February 2010 – “WABAN-AKI: People from Where the Sun Rises” with filmmaker Canadian Aboriginal Alanis Obomsawin
Alanis Obomsawin, a member of the Abenaki Nation, is one of Canada’s most distinguished documentary filmmakers, visited the UW to screen and talk about her work, which embraces strong social themes and is inspired by the desire to let the voices of her people be heard. She has made over 20 uncompromising documentaries on issues concerning Aboriginal people in Canada.
Co-sponsors: Native Voices and Native American Students in Advanced Academia (NASAA)

27 February 2010 – Master Class with Alanis Obomsawin
Alanis Obomsawin ran a special master class and screened and talked in depth about her new film, which talks about the ugliness of war through the eyes of one survivor, a Canadian boy.
Co-sponsors: Native Voices and Native American Students in Advanced Academia (NASAA)

26-28 March 2010 – 40th Linguistics Symposium on Romance Languages
by Julia Herschensohn, Linguistics, Organizing Committee Member
The conference included twelve general sessions on all aspects of Romance Linguistics including how languages in contact, such as English and French in Canada, assimilate and dissimilate to each other in phonoogy, morphology, syntax and other linguistic domains. The conference included twelve scholars from Canada including from Université du Québec, Montréal, Carleton University, and the University of Toronto and Ottawa.
Co-sponsors: UW Linguistics

29 March 2010 – The 5th Annual Canadian Studies Center Graduate Student Symposium, “The Promise and Politics of the Salish Sea: Exploring Transboundary Issues”
Co-chaired by Barbara Bennett, Marine Affairs, 2009-10 FLAS Fellow and Joyce LeCompte-Mastenbrook, Anthropology, 2009-10 FLAS Fellow
Seven affiliated graduate students of the Center presented their cross-border research on marine affairs, social work, history and anthropology all including the role of the transboundary region, the Salish Sea. Fulbright Chair, Rob Williams, provided the keynote and feedback on student research.

21 April 2010 – “The Lost Canadians”
by Don Chapman, Globe and Mail, “Nation Builder of the Year,” 2007, 2008
Chapman outlined the history of his efforts to put through new legislation regarding Canadian citizenship resulting in the “Lost Canadian Act” of April 2009. Chapman outlined some of the discriminatory measures that were in place regarding Canadian citizenship and discussed what it means to be Canadian, American, or, in some cases, stateless.
Co-sponsors: UW Office for Planned Giving
Lost Canadian Website

Lectures / Presentations

27 October 2009 – “The Role of Canadian Studies on the UW Campus,” by Nadine Fabbi, Associate Director
This lecture provided UW Librarians with an introduction to the Center’s research, teaching, student outreach, and programming to facilitate a stronger relationship between the Center and the 15 UW libraries and subject librarians.
Co-sponsors: UW Libraries

06 November 2009 – “Boats and Killer Whales in Johnstone and Haro Straits,” Marine Naturalists’ Gear Down Workshop, by Rob Williams 2009-10 Canada-US Fulbright Chair
Rob Williams presented his research on marine conservation issues in the Pacific Northwest. The presentation was part of an educational training program for members of the Salish Sea Association of Marine Naturalists.
Co-sponsors: Salish Sea Association of Marine Naturalists, Canada-US Fulbright Program

10 November 2009 – “Marine Conservation in the Pacific Northwest,” by Dr. Rob Williams, 2009-2010 Canada-US Visiting Fulbright Chair
Williams discussed his work on transboundary issues and marine conservation including killer whales, wild salmon and shipping noise. The event brought together Jackson School alumni, Canadian Studies FLAS Fellows, and UW graduate students who engaged in discussion regarding transboundary environmental management from a variety of perspectives. Pub Club is designed to build community and discussion regarding current international issues.
Co-sponsors: UW Jackson School Career Services / Alumni Relations

20 November 2009 – “Québec Media Coverage of the US,” by Natalie Debray, UW Department of Communication
Debray conducted a survey this fall on Québec media coverage of the US – Québec’s leading economic partner. The data analysis illustrated that political coverage, public health, the economy, and entertainment have the most occurance in the media.
Co-sponsors: Association for Canadian Studies in the US, Québec Government

10 December 2009 – “An Introduction to Québec History, Language and Culture,” by Natalie Debray, UW Communications
Debray provided a background on Québec for juniors and seniors in the Advanced Placement program. The presentation enabled the students to better understanding Canadian and Québec history in the context of North American culture.
Co-sponsors: Kentridge High School

10 February 2010 – “From Igloos to the Internet: the Inuit in the 21st Century,” by Pita Aatami, President, Makivik Corporation, Nunavik, Québec
Mr. Aatami provided an overview of the history of Nunavik and how the Inuit have gone from the ice age to the internet in just one generation. Aatami discussed Inuit leadership in global affairs particularly since climate change has focused more attention on the Arctic region.
Co-sponsors: UW Native Voices, UW American Indian Studies, UW American Indian Law Center

3 March 2010 – “Marine Conservation in the Pacific Northwest: Whales, Salmon, and Sound,” by Dr. Rob Williams, 2009-2010 Canada-US Visiting Fulbright Chair
Dr. Rob Williams, 2009-10 Canada-US Fulbright Visiting Research Chair, discussed his research on two transboundary issues in marine conservation: evaluating the effects of ocean noise on whales; and estimating the amount of salmon required to support resident killer whale populations.
Co-sponsors: JSIS NRCs, and the Canadian Consulate General in Seattle

20 April 2010 – “Indigenous Research Methodology: A Canadian Perspective”
by Shawn Wilson, Northern Rivers University, Australia
Dr. Wilson provided undergraduate students in D. Hart’s AIS 360 Indians in Cinema course with a background in Canadian Aboriginal history, cross-border issues, and indigenous research methodolgy.
Co-sponsors: UW American Indian Studies

21 April 2010 – “Indigenous Research Methodology: A Canadian Perspective”
by Shawn Wilson, Northern Rivers University, Australia
Dr. Wilson provided the doctoral students in L. Ross’ AIS 501: Research Methods with new concepts in Canadian indigenous methodolgy including relationality, accountability, building community, providing benefits to indigenous communities, and working with research participants as co-investigators.
Co-sponsors: UW American Indian Studies

22 April 2010 – “Indigenous Research Methodology: A Canadian Perspective”
by Shawn Wilson, Northern Rivers University, Australia
Wilson provided Canadian Indigenous research methods to students in ANTHRO 456 Contemporary Ethnography taught by R. Chapman. An Indigenous paradigm comes from the fundamental belief that knowledge is relational and therefore can not be owned or discovered. Wilson discussed the Canadian and Australia approaches to these research strategies.
Co-sponsors: UW Anthropology

22 April 2010 – “Indigenous Research Methodology: A Canadian Perspective”
by Shawn Wilson, Northern Rivers University, Australia

Wilson provided Canadian Indigenous research methods to students in ANTHRO 469 Doing Ethnography in Dangerous Settings taught by Professor J. De Leon. An Indigenous paradigm comes from the fundamental belief that knowledge is relational and therefore can not be owned or discovered. Wilson discussed the Canadian and Australia approaches to these research strategies.
Co-sponsors: UW Anthropology

23 April 2010 – “Indigenous Research Methodology: A Canadian Perspective,” The Ninth Annual Symposium of Indigenous Graduate Student and Faculty Research and Scholarship at the UW
by Shawn Wilson, Northern Rivers University, Australia
Dr. Wilson, Opaskwayak Cree from northern Manitoba, provided the keynote speech for the annual Native American Students in Advanced Academia Symposium. He provided students and faculty with new concepts in indigenous research methodology – “strategies of inquiry” – that facilitate relationality and accountability to relationship in the research process. Wilson’s work brings together Canadian indigenous methodologies with Australian.
Co-sponsors: UW Native American Students in Advanced Academia; UW Graduate School; American Indian Studies; Graduate and Professional Student Senate; Associated Students of the UW; UW Alumni Association; UW Indigenous Wellness Center; Pena Charitable Trust

11 May 2010 – “Indigenous Perspectives on Success, Responsibility, and Accountability in Higher Education”
by Michelle Pidgeon, Faculty of Education, Simon Fraser University
Dr. Pidgeon shared her current research project that examines how universities and colleges can become more successful places for Indigenous peoples. Moving away from common deficit discourses about Aboriginal post-secondary students, she draws from Indigenous research and theoretical perspectives in Canada to reframe the conversation to focus on issues of institutional transformation through Indigenous understandings of success, responsibility, and accountability.
Co-sponsors: UW Education, Tacoma

17 May 2010 – “Family Policy at Work: Employment Benefits, Women, and Labour Force Participation in Canada”
by Michael J. Prince, University of Victoria
Prince examined the role of Employment Insurance (EI) policy in Canada and its objective to encourage long-term labour market attachment by providing temporary income support during absences from work due to life and family events. In 2006-07, these programs paid $3.8 billion in benefits. Women account for approximately 72 per cent of all claims. These benefits specifically address family life situations for working Canadians.
Co-sponsors: UW School of Social Work; UW West Coast Poverty Center

17 May 2010 – “Comparative Media Coverage of Climate Change and other Pressing Issues in the Arctic”
by Joel Plouffe, Visiting Québec Professor, Western Washington University
Dr. Plouffe provided an overviw of media representations of climate change issues in Arctic Canada for students in N. Debray’s course, COM 321/POLSCI 330 – Communication in International Relations.

17 May 2010 – “Issues in Contemporary Québec Society from 1995 to the Present”
by Joel Plouffe, Visiting Québec Professor, Western Washington University
Dr. Plouffe provided an overviw of contemporary Québec history and current political issues for students in N. Debray’s course, COM 495 – Special Topics – Film, Culture and Society (Quebec Film).

19 May 2010 – “The Inuit and New International Communication Strategies: Spatial and Policy Activism”
by Nadine Fabbi, Canadian Studies Center
The presentation provided students in COM 321/POLSCI 330 Communication and International Relations with insights into the emerging role of the Inuit in international affairs. Fabbi outlined new international relations theories and how groups, such as the Inuit, are employing these theories to their benefit. Students were provided with recently published Inuit maps.
Co-sponsors: UW Communication

20 May 2010 – “Giving Voice to the Meaning of Diversity: A Canadian Perspective”
by Ozlem Sensoy, Faculty of Education, Simon Fraser University
Sensoy discussed videos created by 7th grade students in a Vancouver public school. Students use the videos to explore and give meaning to their experience living with racism, classism, and sexism. Students enrolled in B EDUC Multicultural Education taught by C. Banks, also participated in the lecture.
Co-sponsors: UW Education, Bothell

25 May 2010 – “Saving Muslim Girls: The Curricular Construction of a Deficit Discourse”
by Ozlem Sensoy, Faculty of Education, Simon Fraser University
The presentation focused on Canadian author Deborah Ellis’ book The Breadwinner, a popular young adult novel about a Muslim girl in Taliban-run Afghanistan, and a book embraced by Canadian and U.S. teachers and schools particularly since 9/11. The presentation examined the sociopolitical context in which Muslim girls are constructed as the objects of Western interventions on a range of military, economic, humanitarian and educational fronts. The presentation was also part of the course T EDUC Diversity and Education taught by A. Henry.
Co-sponsors: UW Education, Tacoma

Conference Panels / Papers

19 November 2009 – “Social Work and the 49th Parallel: How Does the Canada / US Border Affect Indigenous and Migrant Peoples?” with Stan De Mello, Morna McEachern and Quinton Red Eagle Smith, UW School of Social Work.
This panel focused on the Canada-US border and how heightened security measures are impacting individuals, families and communities. Recommendations were made that would enhance national security while not challenging community cohesion in border regions.
Co-sponsors: Association for Canadian Studies in the US

20 November 2009 – “Toward a National Inuit Education Strategy,” by Nadine Fabbi, UW Canadian Studies Center
This paper outlined that during this period of heightened focus and concern in the Arctic region internationally, the Inuit having a marked impact on Arctic foreign policy in general, and educational policy in particular. Arctic institutions of higher education will be educating the next generation of leaders who will be resolving sovereignty issues and interests in natural resources, therefore attention to new policy initiatives is critical.
Co- sponsors: Association for Canadian Studies in the US

08 December 2009 – Killer Whale Energetics Research Workshop, facilitate by Rob Williams, 2009-10 Canada-US Fulbright Chair
Six scientists met to estimate the nutritional requirements of killer whales, in order to better understand their role in marine ecosystems and to inform salmon fishery management plans to promote killer whale conservation. Scientists included facilitator, Rob Williams; David Rosen, Marine Mammal Research Unit, University of British Columbia; Trevor Branch, UW School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences (SAFS); Dawn Noren, Northwest Fisheries Science Centre; Martin Krkosek, UW SAFS; and, Erin Ashe, Sea Mammal Research Unit, University of St. Andrews, Scotland.
Co-sponsors: Canada-US Fulbright Program

Business Events

17 September 2009 – “Expert Financial, Business and Legal Solutions for Canadian and American Expats,” Panel Discussion
The program provided expertise in business formation, financial planing, investment management, and individual and state planning for regional business leaders and the general public.
Co-sponsors: Canada-American Society, Trade Development Alliance of Seattle, HSBC Pacific Partners

15-18 January 2010 – 2010 MBA Canada Study Tour
The 4th Annual Canada Study Tour introduced 20 UW MBA students to Canadian businesses, business leaders, the US trade commissioner, Canada Export Centre, Port Metro Vancouver, and the Microsoft Canada Development Centre. The visit enhanced MBA student understanding of the Canada-US trade relationship. In addition, students met with colleagues at the UBC Sauder School of Business to increase UW-UBC collaboration.
Co-sponsors: UW Global Business Center, Foster School of Business
Study Tour Program

10 February 2010 – “Economic Opportunities in Canada’s Arctic Region,” by Pita Aatami, President, Makivik Corporation, Nunavik, Québec
Mr. Aatami provided a background on the history of the Inuit of Nunavik the Makivik Corporation that administers the compensation funds from the James Bay and Northern Québec Agreement. The roundtable served to foster trade relations between Arctic Canada and the Seattle region. Guests included representatives from businesses, the Pacific Northwest Economic Region, the Wilburforce Foundation, the Washington State Department of Commerce, and the Canadian Consulate.
Co-sponsors: Greater Seattle Trade Development Alliance
Podcast [mp3]

Professional Development for Educators

21-26 June 2009 – Thirty-First Annual K-12 STUDY CANADA Institute
This lecture was part of the 31st Annual K-12 STUDY CANADA Institute. The lecture introduced educators to Inuit history and governance movements in Canada, the 2010 Olympic logo design of the inuksuk and what this means for national sympolism and even Arctic sovereignty.
Co-sponsors: Pacific Northwest National Resource Center for the Study of Canada, Center for Canadian-American Studies, Western Washington University

24-25 June 2009 – Annual Summer Institute for Educators
Dr. Emma Norman, Program on Water and Governance, University of British Columbia, provided an overview of trans-boundary water issues in the region as part of the two-day institute, Liquid Planet: Exploring Global Water Issues.
Co-sponsors: Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies Outreach Centers

10 October 2009 – “Canadian Historical Fiction Circles,” by Kindra Kilgore, Hidden River Middle School
Kindra, a graduate (2007) and Teacher Associate of K-12 STUDY CANADA, demonstrated how to use Canadian historical literature to meet the Washington State Classroom Based Assessement “Dig Deep.” Kindra has been employing the Canadian literature lit circles in her Grade 7 class for the last two years.
Co-sponsors: Washington State Council for Social Studies

24 October 2009 – The Fifth Annual Québec Workshop: Culture, politique et diversité du Québec comme sources d’inspiration dans la didactique de la langue française
This workshop familiarized teachers to the culture of Québec, as well as to cultural, political, and economic US-Québec relations. Teachers were able to utilize what they learned to create lessons for their students that introduced both Québécois culture and language into the classroom.
Co-sponsors: Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, Western Washington University, UW in the High School Program

12 March 2010 – “A Novel Approach to International Studies and the CBAs: Using young adult fiction to excite students in their research of Canadian historical events,” by Kindra Kilgore
This presentation demonstrated how literature circles can be used to meet the state requirements for assessment in Social Studies, called the CBA or Classroom Based Assessment. Students read novels based on Canadian historical events, research their event using primary resources, then present their research using technology.
Co-sponsors: Washington State Council for Social Studies (WSCSS)

10 April 2010 – New Decade, Renewed Engagement in World Languages, Washington Association of Foreign Language Teachers Spring Conference
70 educators, including 28 French teachers, attended this spring conference for sessions on world languages. The conference included a bilingual session on Quebecois culture, a session on the Makah language among First Nations groups, a session on incorporating English in the classroom, techniques for teaching French grammar and phonetics, and more.
Co-sponsors: Washington Association of Foreign Language Teachers (WAFLT), American Association of Teachers of French (AATF)

10 April 2010 – “How French are the French Canadians? Using history to understand the unique language and cultural diversity in Quebec
by Natalie Debray, Communication
Educators of French were introduced to the special Canadian province of Quebec, including its history, language, media, and relationship to France. Presentation in both English and French. Twenty French teachers attended this session.
Co-sponsors: Washington Association of Foreign Language Teachers (WAFLT), American Association of Teachers of French (AATF)

Cultural Events

15 October 2009 – A Century of Genocide in the Americas, by Rosemary Gibbons, UW Native Voices graduate, 2006
Center Chair, Daniel Hart, and Luana Ross, UW Women Studies, provided an historic overview and introduction to the Gibbons’ film that tells the history of residential schools in Canada. The presentation/screening introduced students, faculty and community members to aboriginal issues on both sides of the border and what measures are taking place to promote Aboriginal educational models.
Co-sponsors: UW Native Voices, KSKC Public Television, Salish Kootenai College

13-16 February 2010 – Native Americans in Film, “A Century of Genocide,” by Rosemary Gibbons, graduate, Native Voices
Baca, a graduate of the UW Native Voices Program, screened and discussed the history covered in Gibbon’s film on residential schooling in Canada.
Co-sponsors: Big Sky Documentary Film Festival

Media and Internet

4-5 January 2010 – “Ten Books Introduce the North, Inuit and Nunavut to Elementary School Children,” by Nadine Fabbi, Canadian Studies Center
In Spring 2010, PaperTigers, our website and blog about multicultural children’s literature, whose goal is to promote cross-cultural understanding through books, focused on children’s books by Canadian Aboriginal authors and illustrators including an article by N. Fabbi on the most compelling books in Inuit literature.

11 February 2010 – Weekday, with Steve Scher, KUOW
Steve Sher interviewed Pita Ataami, President of the Makivik Corporation, Nunavik, Canada about the role of the Inuit in instituting self-governance across Canada’s Arctic region, and about land rights in Canada and the implications of climate change on Aboriginal leadership in the circumpolar world.

Center Meetings and Receptions

9 September 2009 – 10th Annual Canada Gala
The Canada Gala brings together members from the business community, government and academia to build the relationship between Canada and the US in the region and to provide a networking opportunity. Most importantly, the Gala serves to raise funds for the Canada-America Scholarship that sends approximately six students to Canada for a quarter annually.
Co-sponsors: Canada-America Society, Canadian Consulate General Seattle, Orca Creative Group, PCL Construction Services, School savings